McKnight: He lied about his brother.
Avery Tolar: Wouldn't you lie about having a felon in the family to get a job like this?
Bill DeVasher: He ought to be kept on a short leash.
Avery Tolar: Why? You've got nothing to be suspicious about.
Bill DeVasher: I get paid to be suspicious when I've got nothing to be suspicious about.
Wayne Tarrance: Get me a map of Louisiana. GET ME A MAP of louisiana.
Mitch McDeere: Let me get this straight: you want me to steal files from the firm, turn them over to the FBI, send my colleagues to jail.
Wayne Tarrance: They roped you into this.
Mitch McDeere: Breach attorney-client privilege, thus getting myself disbarred for life, then testify in open court against the Mafia.
Wayne Tarrance: Well, unfortunately, Mitch.
Mitch McDeere: Let me ask you something: are you out of your fucking mind?
Mitch McDeere: You want to know something funny? You actually made me think about the law. I managed to go through three years of law school without doing that.
Abby McDeere: What are they going to do to you?
Avery Tolar: Whatever it is, they did it a long time ago.
Wayne Tarrance: How about you get down on your knees and kiss my ass for not indicting you as a co-conspirator right now, you chickenshit little Harvard cocksucker?
Mitch McDeere: I haven't done anything, and you know it.
Wayne Tarrance: Who gives a fuck? I'm a federal agent! You know what that means, you lowlife motherfucker? It means you've got no rights, your life is mine! I could kick your teeth down your throat and yank 'em out your asshole, and I'm not even violating your civil rights.
Avery Tolar: How'd you find that out?
Bill DeVasher: What do you think I am around here, a fucking night watchman?
Avery Tolar: I get confused sometimes.
Bill DeVasher: Well, don't.
Wayne Tarrance: Man, I don't understand you. What'd you do it for? You didn't win a thing.
Mitch McDeere: Oh, yes I did. I won my life back. you don't run me, and they don't run me.
Mitch McDeere: Are you saying my life is in danger?
Denton Voyles: I am saying that your life as you know it is over.
Mitch McDeere: What led you to law school?
Avery Tolar: It's so far back I don't think I can remember.
Mitch McDeere: Sure you can, Counsellor.
Avery Tolar: I used to caddy for lawyers and their wives on summer weekends. I looked at those long tan legs and just knew I had to be a lawyer. The wives had long tan legs, too.
Mitch McDeere: Did I lose you?
Abby McDeere: You look tired.
Mitch McDeere: Did I?
Abby McDeere: I've loved you all my life. Even before we met. Part of it wasn't even you. It was just a promise of you. But these last days... You kept your promise. How could you lose me?
Avery Tolar: You know, I have a very bad reputation.
Abby McDeere: What do you do?
Avery Tolar: I run around.
Avery Tolar: Do you think l'm talking about breaking the law?
Mitch McDeere: No, I'm just trying to figure out how far you want it bent.
Avery Tolar: As far as you can without breaking it.
Answer: I've wondered about that, too. Avery appears to have somehow overlooked it, though it was in a highly visible and in a sensitive place (the locked closet). He probably returned late that night, and by the next day, the maid could have cleaned most of it up before he noticed anything. Also, on that particular trip, Avery may have had no reason to look inside the locked closet, so he would not have seen the broken glass. The spilled liquid outside the door would have dried quickly.
raywest ★