Pachanga: Sometime it bes that way, papi.
Carlito: I'm reloaded! Okay? Come on in here, you motherfuckers! Come on, I'm waitin' for ya! What, you ain't comin' in? Okay, I'm comin' out! Oh, you up against me now, motherfuckers! I'm gonna blow your fuckin' brains out! You think you're big time? You gonna fuckin' die big time! You ready? here comes THE pain.
Carlito: If you can't see the angles no more, you're in trouble.
Frankie Taglialucci: This guy a friend of yours?
Carlito: Yeah, he's a friend of mine.
Frankie Taglialucci: He's a fucking cockroach.
Benny Blanco: Hey, my name is Benny Blanco from the Bronx.
Carlito: You know me?
Benny Blanco: Yeah, I know you, you're Carlito Brigante motherfucker to the max, that's who you are.
Carlito: Well, I don't know you. So, I don't owe you, Saso does. My place now, new rules. Everybody pays, okay?
David Kleinfeld: Oh that's right, you're gonna rent Ford Pintos to tourists in paradise.
Carlito: He's got a good future if he can live past next week.
Quisqueya: Your boss is dead and so are you.
Walberto: Should have figured I'd find you walking around up here. Doing a little memory lane.
David Kleinfeld: Hey Louie... Louie, your fuckin' chick's givin' you a handjob right in front of everybody. I got guests here, for christsake. People are eating.
Louie: Take it easy, Dave.
David Kleinfeld: No-you take it easy. You got any manners? You wanna fuck her, fuck her like a normal human being - take her in the bedroom.
Gail: Yeah, I had a dream Charlie. But now I'm awake, and I hate my dream.
Carlito: AdiĆ³s, counselor.
Carlito: The dream don't come no closer by itself. We gotta run after it now.
Carlito: I don't invite this shit, it just comes to me. I run, it runs after me. Gotta be somewhere to hide.
Carlito: Let me get this straight, he's gonna jump off a barge, swim a hundred yards, to a buoy? in the east river? Impossible, its too rough he is going to die.
Carlito: No room in this city for big hearts like hers.
Pachanga: Carlito man, it's Death Valley out here man... you know me, I'll take to the streets with any of these motherfuckers man, but these new kids now days, they got no respect for human life. They shotgun you just to see you fly up in the air. Muchacho you're better off in jail. I don't even go up to Black Harlem no more. They're fucking crazy up there!