Best mystery TV quotes of all time

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Movie Quote Quiz
Waking the Dead picture

Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: I'll have to have a word with you, please.
Jacqueline Wright: We're going to Longleat.
Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: I'm afraid the lions will have to wait.

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Crossing Jordan picture

Jordan: Is this the part where I'm supposed to apologize too?
Garrett: Didn't want to ask the impossible.

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TaleSpin picture

Baloo: If it's got wings I can fly it! Sometimes even if it doesn't.

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Probe picture

Michelle: I thought you never lied.
Austin: I don't. It's just that sometimes I withhold the qualifiers.
Michelle: For somebody who says facts are all that count, Mr. Jimmy Austin, you're the most deceitful person I know.
Austin: I once determined that there are forty-nine different ways to misrepresent the truth. I only use six, way below the national average of thirty-two.

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Veronica Mars picture

Logan: Thoughts of me? Hey, I get it. Sometimes I'm up all night, just thinkin' about myself.

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Vexed picture

Episode #1.3 - S1-E3

Kate: You wouldn't have a problem if this was your daughter?
Jack: She's not my daughter!
Kate: She's someone's daughter.
Jack: Every woman I've ever had sex with was someone's daughter, it's never stopped me from playing daddy.
Kate: Urgh.
Jack: I think that might have come out wrong.
Kate: OK, if your daughter was a stripper.
Jack: Why is my daughter a stripper?!
Kate: Ah, so you would mind!
Jack: What if your son...was a rapist?
Kate: How is that relevant?!
Jack: You started it.
Kate: I want you to acknowledge how you'd feel if your daughter made her living by having men leering at her.
Jack: OK, how would you feel if your rapist son attacked my stripper daughter, threw acid in her face, she's disfigured for life, can't even work!
Kate: I wouldn't defend him.
Jack: Your own son?! Some mother you'd be.

Jon Sandys

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Law & Order: UK picture

Care - S1-E1

James Steel: In my experience, Mr. Turner, people change their pleas for two reasons: conscience or self-preservation. Now, as conscience seems beyond you, I'm giving you one last chance to save yourself.

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Vincent picture

Beth: What happened to your face?
Vincent: I bumped it.
Beth: On what?
Vincent: Another face.

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Nash Bridges picture

Harvey Leek: Nash, the most high-tech thing on this computer is the flying toaster screen saver.

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Doom Patrol picture

Narrator: Ready for a story about superheroes? Ugh, more TV superheroes. Just what the world needs. Be honest, have you hung yourselves yet? Or, what if I told you this was actually a story about super-zeroes? Losers. Achingly pathetic meta-human goose eggs. How about it? Ready to feel better about your own miserable lives for the next hour or so? Follow me. Our story begins, as such stories do, with a visit to a Nazi. I'm sorry. Cobbler.


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Cracker picture

Teacher: Please don't smoke sir, this is a school.
Fitz: That's where I started.

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True Detective picture

Detective Ray Velcoro: Pain is inexhaustible. It's only people that get exhausted.

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Roswell picture

Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

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Carnivàle picture

Lucius Belyakov: A dark heart dwells where the branches meet / Anointed dagger plunge thee deep.

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Surface picture

Miles: I'm not on the honor roll, I can't throw a football... Nim is my extracurricular, okay?

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Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye picture

Jack Hudson: Yes Miles, if you're right, you can say you told me so. And I know you will in that special way that makes us all love you so.

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Law & Order: Criminal Intent picture

Poison - S1-E7

Ron Carter: In light of the severity of these crimes, we ask for remand, your honor.
Ms. O'Brien: In light of the weakness of their evidence, remand is absurd.
Ron Carver: The evidence past mustard with the grand jury.
Ms. O'Brien: Oh right, was my client indicted before or after the ham sandwich?


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Broadchurch picture

DS Ellie Miller: Most people have a moral compass.
DI Alec Hardy: Compasses break.

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Moonlighting picture

Maddie: You have the morals of rabbit, the character of a slug, and the brain of a platypus.

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