Kessler: Who are you?
Remington Steele: Just a happy go lucky tourist out to see a bit of the world.
Neff: Is that why you've got five passports, from five different countries, in five different names?
Remington Steele: Kept trying for a good picture.
Dylan Maxwell: Another day, another dick.
Mary Beth Lacey: We go in together and it's 'Hello, Sgt. Cagney, ' 'How ya doing, Sgt. Cagney?' I may as well have stayed in the car.
Christine Cagney: Oh Mary Beth.
Mary Beth Lacey: And when we go to the lab, Solomon offers you sushi, me, I get fiber samples. Don't tell me you never noticed.
Christine Cagney: Well, maybe one or two times. You know how men are.
Gerry Standing: Will you stop creeping up on me.
Brian Lane: I don't creep, I glide.
Horace Rumpole: She who must be obeyed.
Ike Evans: This will, get ugly.
80's Batman: This isn't a mudhole. It's an operating table. And I'm the surgeon.
Ethan Burke: C'mon this isn't an ordinary town. You know that.
Nurse Pam: You are very right about that. This is no ordinary town. This is an extraordinary town.
Hemlock Diego's Policy Player's Dream Book - S2-E5
Olivia: Are you telling me I only have a couple of hundred years left?
Pryce: More like a normal human lifespan.
Olivia: Human lifespan is over like that. Hardly worth going to the trouble of being born.
Robert T. Ironside: I... like... burned toast.
Jarod: Trust your inner sense, Miss Parker. I do.
Chanel Oberlin: What fresh hell is this?
Sgt. Joe Friday: This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm a cop.
Scotty Valens: Did your dad follow up with this guy?
Daniel: Not that I heard about.
Nick Vera: If I spent five years in a box getting tortured while some guy is taking my wife to dinner.
Scotty Valens: I'd follow up.
Penhaligon: To be left at the airport, Fitz, that's one thing. But to be left by a big, fat, egocentric, middle-aged man, well, that's a different thing altogether.
Fitz: I didn't mind the big.