Ethan Burke: C'mon this isn't an ordinary town. You know that.
Nurse Pam: You are very right about that. This is no ordinary town. This is an extraordinary town.

Chanel Oberlin: What fresh hell is this?

Don Eppes: Hey, Dad. What are you doing here?
Alan Eppes: Well, I-I like coming whenever Charlie gives one of these math-for-dummies lectures. It's the only time I actually understand what he's talking about.

The Secret of the Unicorn: Part 1 - S1-E3
Tintin: He looks exactly like you.
Captain Haddock: Yes, he is good looking.

Madeline Magellan: Enough with the pedanticism and let us eat.
Jonathan Creek: The word is pedantry.

Crypt Keeper: Heads, I win. Tails, you ooze.

Simon Holmes: Sometimes I wish we collected stamps for fun, instead of battling the forces of weirdness.

Joe Dubois: Ever since you made the decision not to go to law school, to go to work for the D.A. as a consultant, I don't know, you seem kinda.
Allison Dubois: Bitchy? Cranky? Pissed off?
Joe Dubois: You can read minds.

Michelle: I thought you never lied.
Austin: I don't. It's just that sometimes I withhold the qualifiers.
Michelle: For somebody who says facts are all that count, Mr. Jimmy Austin, you're the most deceitful person I know.
Austin: I once determined that there are forty-nine different ways to misrepresent the truth. I only use six, way below the national average of thirty-two.