Audio problem: When Oliver is fighting the guys in the hallway, he shoots the second to last guy. But when he starts to draw an instant beforehand, you can see that his right hand, with which he holds the arrow, is nowhere near the quiver when the sound of the drawn arrow begins.

Audio problem: When Gemma is talking to Clay in jail there's a shot "en profil" in which we only see the silhouette of her face. When Clay sits down you can see she's saying something, while the only sound we hear is Clay exhaling.

Audio problem: When Carter is searching Jean Jackson's house she asks him if he has a warrant - although the camera isn't on her you can see her reflection in the mirror and you can see that her mouth doesn't open when she is asking Carter this.

Beauty and the Obese: Part 1 - S1-E1
Audio problem: After the bartender himself offers a lap dance to the man who just talked to Persephone, the man walks off to the right of the screen. The bartender offers him a cheaper price when the camera cuts to a different angle after he walked away. At this point, the man would now be just off the left side of the screen, but when you hear him say "No" it comes from the right side when listening with headphones. (00:02:42)

Audio problem: During the opening credits no one moves their mouth when they notice Superman and say "it's a bird...it's a plane..."

The Man They Called a Magician - S1-E2
Audio problem: Jigen shoots Pycal in the head with no results. He says that his gun is useless, but his lips don't move. (00:05:50)

Audio problem: Angus is clearly not playing the mandolin and guitar at various places in the show.

Fold Equity - S2-E9
Audio problem: When Loker receives a video file from Lightman, the shot changes to face Loker and Ria. There are about nine more "dings" that indicate a new item has arrived, but after the final ding is heard, the shot goes back to face the monitor and there are only five items on the screen, with more coming in.

Natalie Luca (No. 184) - S4-E12
Audio problem: At the end of the episode when Reddington goes to see Natalie Luca (behind glass), he tells her that the woman she killed at the massage parlour was an associate of his. When Natalie says "She said if I didn't kill him, she would tell Hawthorne where to find us", her lips don't match what she's saying in the reflection of the glass.

Audio problem: After talking with Kieran near the start of the episode, Emma (off-screen) gets into her car, shuts the door, turns on the engine and starts driving away in 3 seconds flat.

Audio problem: When Miss Fisher is interrogating Stone and asks him "What's the matter Mr. Stone..." he's gulping down his liquor. She finishes the sentence ("cat got your tongue?") in a separate shot, and the sound of him just putting down the glass is heard. But if you look at the little bit of him that is poking in the foreground, he's puffing smoke instead. Kinda hard to do that with a mouthful of whiskey. (00:31:40)

Shawn (and Gus) of the Dead - S2-E16
Audio problem: After the van the Shawn and Gus are following crashes, Gus says "I'm not getting out there" but his mouth is saying something different. (00:34:15)

Audio problem: When Murdock hits the hi-hat with his tomahawk, a crash cymbal sound is audible. (00:27:10)

Audio problem: Volkswagen Beetles had a very distinctive "putt-putt" engine noise. In every scene with the bad guy following Ryan and McBride in a VW Beetle, the sound effects dubbed in post-production belong to a much larger, standard American car, and not to a VW at all. (00:26:00)

Audio problem: When in the apartment of the doctor, it is raining, but there's no sound from the rain hitting the building.
Suggested correction: I've been in several different buildings where I can't hear the rain. Even in my own home there's times I can't hear the rain, even though other times I can.

Audio problem: After Kate shoots an arrow at the mafia guys, she says "told ya." Then we hear Clint/Hawkeye say "yeah", except he's on camera and his mouth doesn't move, he doesn't even change his facial expression.

Audio problem: Higgins watches Magnum spit what he chewed on and gives him a "Magnum..." full of contempt. Magnum responds ever cheerful "Sorry, want a bite?" but the audio of the sentence is much lower than in the rest of the scene. (00:13:10)

Audio problem: In the final scene Danny executes the man who killed his brother. Danny is armed with a snub nosed revolver. When he pulls the trigger, the sound of a shell casing bouncing on the floor is heard. A revolver does not eject empty shell casings.

The Wedding - S5-E1
Audio problem: When the orderly is telling Harry that he has visitors, his mouth isn't moving.

Pay in Pain - S1-E7
Audio problem: When Mackey is interrogating Leon the camera is pointed at Mackey as he asks Leon "why are you and the other shop owners all telling the same lie?" The camera then switches over Mackey's right shoulder so we can see Leon's reaction to Mackey's question. Look closely at Mackey's mouth in this shot, you can see him mouthing the exact words that he just spoke.