Audio problem: When Deputy Williams and Deputy Johnson walk up to the man Williams asks him if he used the brick he is holding to brake the car's window. He answers "Nope, I don't need a brick if I wanted to brake a window." You can see his lips about halfway through the statement and they are not moving. (00:11:10)

Bikini Wax - S2-E18
Audio problem: When Abby tells McGee to shut up near the end, the audio is out of sync with her mouth. (00:34:40)

Audio problem: When everyone is leaving the restaurant and walking down the street, some are going off for a night cap, Rosemary says she can't go because she has to work tomorrow. But her words and her mouth are out of sync, as are the others to a lesser degree.

Beauty and the Obese: Part 1 - S1-E1
Audio problem: After the bartender himself offers a lap dance to the man who just talked to Persephone, the man walks off to the right of the screen. The bartender offers him a cheaper price when the camera cuts to a different angle after he walked away. At this point, the man would now be just off the left side of the screen, but when you hear him say "No" it comes from the right side when listening with headphones. (00:02:42)