Plot hole: Rick is taking care of his girlfriend's goat for a few days. He puts a bowl of milk on the floor, but The Goat will not drink. Harriet suggests, "We're probably just using the wrong method." The next scene shows Ozzie at the stove, heating milk in a baby bottle. Rick is 22 years old. Why would Ozzie and Harriet still have a baby bottle in the house?

Plot hole: Kings Boomer and Brady had to earn their king rings and the powers contained within, however, King Boz was just handed the ring, yet it kept its power.

Plot hole: The bad guy somehow knows what is going to happen (via the sketches) even though the events haven't happened yet, like knowing Mrs Peel was going to show up at Pool's mansion in that catsuit and hat, and that the scenes were going to play out like the sketches.

Plot hole: This was the first episode of the series and we see that the rangers are unable to figure out how to properly operate their zords; but in Origins Part 1 (which takes place prior to this) they have no issues with the zords at all.

Plot hole: In the pilot, it is established that the surface of anything/anyone made invisible by "quicksilver" is freezing. (Darien gets caught in the women's shower because the mist freezes on him. He freezes the beer mugs for the doctors.) But in later episodes, nobody notices him standing invisible - and freezing!? - next to them.