Plot hole: Throughout the show it is reported several times that Billy and Ally met when they were both eight years old in a park by sniffing each other's bottoms. However, when Billy is buried in season 3 his tombstone reads, 1968-2000, making him 32 years old. Ally is only 29 and does not turn 30 until later in that season which would at the very least, put them 2 years apart. (00:41:15)
Returning Japanese (1) - S6-E21
Plot hole: In this episode, Hank meets his paternal half brother. They look alike. However, we saw in an earlier episode that Hank's facial structure takes after his mother, not his father. Since they are paternal half brothers, then the Japanese brother cannot look like Hank since he has a different mother.
Plot hole: Whenever Gretchin calls Mikey up to the stand to explain what he saw, he says that he had followed Spinelli and Randall to the wooden fence, where he Saw Randall on his knees in front of Spinelli, begging for forgiveness, then Mikey began running to the other side to stop Spinelli from pummeling Randall with the "rock" but didn't make it in time. We then later find out that Spinelli had actually rescued Ms. Finster's cat out of a tree and Randall hit himself with the rock out of spite. But it is impossible that Spinelli could have given up on hurting Randall, climbed up a tree, rescued a cat, climbed down, handed the cat back to Ms. Finster, gotten praise from Ms. Finster, then have Randall attempt to pick up a big rock, then get a smaller one and hit himself with it in under 3 seconds (the duration of how long Mikey ran before he heard Randall's scream).
Time Machine - S1-E5
Plot hole: After Al guests knocked out by the Russian dancer, he is woken up by his friends. However, according to the series events before this, Terri Garr should have found him first.
The New Kid - S2-E7
Plot hole: In the season two episode 'The New Kid,' Daria and Jane are discussing The New Kid in gym class when a girl takes a nasty spill from a trampoline. Later, Daria and The New Kid are heard remarking about photos taken of that particular fall despite there having been no photographers present.
Plot hole: As the first prisoner is being pulled towards the organ cutter, you see on the wall the exact shape of the body organs for the brain, lungs, heart, liver, stomach, kidneys and testicles/ovaries that serve as guides and a track for tiny saw blades to come out and cut into the person's body to harvest these organs. The problem is these are in a fixed position, which might work for some people. However people are different sizes, shapes, and heights and most wouldn't match up to these blade guides. So a good majority of the people they cut apart to harvest organs out of wouldn't even give them good ones as the blades would cut into the organs and ruin them. (00:25:20)