The New Kid - S2-E7
Plot hole: In the season two episode 'The New Kid,' Daria and Jane are discussing The New Kid in gym class when a girl takes a nasty spill from a trampoline. Later, Daria and The New Kid are heard remarking about photos taken of that particular fall despite there having been no photographers present.
Answer: Earlier, Quinn prods Daria to imagine having the object of her infatuation, Trent, as an actual boyfriend, and to picture her dream exactly the way it will be. Then, Daria's imagination turns her dream of being with Trent into an extremely unpleasant future, and Daria says, "I think I just got over something," which means she got over her infatuation with Trent. At the end of the episode, Trent tells Daria that it's too bad she's not older, so he could take *her* out, then he leaves. Daria then envisions a romanticized future with her perfect Trent, and in this dream Trent tells her, "Daria, you're the best thing that ever happened to me." And just like that, Daria's infatuation with Trent is back, and Daria exclaims, "Damn," in frustration.
Super Grover ★