Plot hole: Rick is taking care of his girlfriend's goat for a few days. He puts a bowl of milk on the floor, but The Goat will not drink. Harriet suggests, "We're probably just using the wrong method." The next scene shows Ozzie at the stove, heating milk in a baby bottle. Rick is 22 years old. Why would Ozzie and Harriet still have a baby bottle in the house?
Character mistake: Rick and his girlfriend are enjoying a picnic in the woods when a baby goat wanders by. Rick says, "He looks hungry. Seen any tin cans around?" Peggy replies, "I don't think they eat tin cans until they're older." Goats will eat the labels of cans but they do not eat the cans.
Suggested correction: It's not a character mistake if Rick genuinely believes goats eat tin cans, but it's clear his girlfriend was being sarcastic in her reply about goats not eating tin cans till they're older. Of course, Rick could be asking if there's one around so The Goat can eat the label.