The Excelsior Acquisition - S3-E16
Plot hole: In Series 1, Episode 7, "The Dumpling Paradox, " Sheldon makes an oblique reference to his financial status: "Frankly, if I could afford the rent, I'd ask you [Leonard] to leave, " meaning he cannot pay the rent on his two bedroom apartment by himself - not that he doesn't want to, he can't. However, in "The Execlsior Acquisition, " we find that he does not even cash his pay cheques. He doesn't even deposit them into a bank account - he leaves them in a drawer in his desk. In Series 2 Episode 14 "The Financial Permeability", he lends Penny a large amount of money from a huge bankroll he just happens to have lying about - again, without cashing his pay cheques! He is obviously independently wealthy. Either he doesn't have enough money to afford the rent or he has enough to work without being paid while practically giving large amounts of cash away. Can't be both.
Plot hole: Near the end, Sam locks Mr. Howard and Ms. Briggs in a closet. Sam and Gibby then put a heavy desk right against the door and leave them stuck inside. Then later the two teachers are seen frantically controlling the students. How did they escape? They were inside a closet with the door locked on the outside and with a heavy desk against it.
Suggested correction: It's clear that another teacher or teachers heard the announcement or heard them yelling and let them out... What we should be asking is why no other teachers helped them control to the students.
Plot hole: When Linda (Mom) gets home from her cooking class and greets the boys, she sees nothing out of place. However, just a few moments before, we see the giant laser in the corner of the yard that they forgot to attach to the laser-inator. Wouldn't she have seen this?
Plot hole: In the pilot episode Chuck mentions his mother speaking as though she is still alive and he knew her but in later seasons it is reveled that she supposedly died while giving birth to Chuck and he never knew her.
Plot hole: When Justin and Juliet were trapped behind the glass and Juliet let herself be captured by the mummy, so she doesn't burn to ashes when the morning comes, why didn't Juliet just escape? The mummy gave her enough time to turn around and share a moment with Justin, she could've used that time to fight him off, break Justin out and escape. The mummy wasn't very strong and Alex would've shown up 20 seconds later anyway, there wasn't any real reason for Juliet to just let herself be taken away.
Plot hole: Someone as careful and controlling as Timo would never force anyone into working for him, for exactly this reason.
Suggested correction: Not being able to afford doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't have the money, especially a man like Sheldon. He works with a budget and he sticks to it. In his budget he has a certain amount set aside for rent, anything more than that and he can't afford it alone.
Nonsense. If he was sticking to a "rigid budget" he wouldn't have even thought of lending a hopeless credit risk like Penny a single cent. Instead he throws a huge bankroll at her without even discussing a repayment plan.
Rubbish, I stick to a strict budget but still have the money to lend to close friends. Like Penny is to him.
He might have different budgets for different things. People could get a higher margin because they could be of more use to the scientific mind of Sheldon.