Plot hole: In 'The Foretelling', it is said that Richard IV reigned for "13 glorious years" with a caption showing 1485-1498. 'The Black Seal' starts on St. Junipers' Day, 1498, but Blackadder spends 12 months locked up with Mad Gerald. So when the Royal Family are finally murdered it is actually 1499.
Doug's Shock Therapy / Doug Is Hamburger Boy - S3-E11
Plot hole: Doug recalls previous years (in a flashback, where he was next to Skeeter at the window of the Honker Burger as they looked outside) of seeing the Hamburger Boy when Mr. Dink is confessing that he *was* Hamburger Boy. However, Doug has only been living in Bluffington for one year - this was his first summer there.
Plot hole: In the Upper Class Twit of the Year Show, there are five contestants. However, after Oliver runs himself over, in the events that follow there are only four props for the remaining twits (four mannequins, rabbits, and guns); since Oliver's death was unforeseen, shouldn't there be five of each? (This mistake, by the way, is rectified in the film version of this sketch).
Plot hole: At closing time, Cliff, Norm and Woody spontaneously decide to go to Cliff's house. Sam then enters the bar after his date at Melville's. Later in the scene, Rebecca asks Sam about the 'Three Stooges', to which Sam sarcastically replies that they went to Cliff's house. But how could he possibly know that since he entered the scene after they had already left.
Plot hole: The ghosts cannot cross the front gate since they died on the mansion's property, however, the Viking and Native American died before the property was laid out, so they should not be limited by the later boundary lines.
Plot hole: Near the end, Sam locks Mr. Howard and Ms. Briggs in a closet. Sam and Gibby then put a heavy desk right against the door and leave them stuck inside. Then later the two teachers are seen frantically controlling the students. How did they escape? They were inside a closet with the door locked on the outside and with a heavy desk against it.
Suggested correction: It's clear that another teacher or teachers heard the announcement or heard them yelling and let them out... What we should be asking is why no other teachers helped them control to the students.
A Midwinter Night's Dream - S1-E17
Plot hole: Niles makes up Frasier's couch to sleep in and when he lies down he lets out a yelp - and pulls a plastic pirate's hook from behind the cushions. Earlier Niles had appeared wearing a pirate's costume but at no point did he have a hook, nor did he go near the couch. His overcoat had been on the floor the whole time so it couldn't have come from there. It would have been difficult for it to get behind the cushions unless deliberately shoved there, which we never saw and makes no sense anyway.
Plot hole: Ashley says she is 9; later in that season, in "Just Infatuation," Phil says she is almost 12. Will is 17 for the first two seasons, and 18 in season three. Nicky Banks grows from baby to preschooler between seasons four and five (though this was humorously addressed).
Plot hole: People who do not have their souls retrieved, before they are killed, will suffer the effects of the death on their soul, eg. the autopsied man has scars and cuts on his soul. So how come the woman who was crushed by a piano (whose soul was only ever retrieved afterwards) is unharmed in soul form?
Plot hole: It's revealed at the end of the episode that the reason Tommie was sleep walking was because he was so nervous about the 5th grade test. However, he was sleep walking before news about it was given (ie: The beginning of the episode).
Plot hole: Didn't Dexter ever notice the giant fire pit in the ant farm?
Suggested correction: This is more of a question than a mistake. (To be fair, I don't think questions were a feature yet back when this was posted.) No, he didn't. He only noticed the fire pit (and the colosseum) when he was inside the ant farm. It most likely just wasn't visible to him from the outside, or it was too small for him to see it.
Plot hole: In the very last episode of the show, "George Decides To Sta-Local Where It's Familiar", Angie mentions that they conceived their "kids" there, referring to both Carmen and Max. However, the season four episode "George Takes a Stroll Down Memory Pain" showed flashbacks where Angie and George were living with Benny, and Angie was far along in her pregnancy with Carmen. Only Max could have been conceived in the house that they are currently living in. I want to add that in the episode 'Valentine Massacre', George says"What about the first time we made love. What were the odds in Vegas!?!"
You Gotta Not Fight for Your Right to Party - S2-E6
Plot hole: When Miley (as Hannah) gets stuck in the truck while trying to escape, she tells Jackson that her "belt's caught". But, when Jackson rescues her, it is visible that she is wearing no belt.
Wuffenloaf - S3-E1
Plot hole: When Abby and Eric return the night vision goggles, Abby asks if they should put them back exactly where they were and Eric says he didn't remember where they went but luckily he "took a picture" of how it looked before. How could this be possible if Abby purposely excluded him when she collected those goggles from Lisa?
April Fools - S5-E18
Plot hole: As Mama tells Iola about the April Fools' jokes the family has played on her over the years, Iola expresses surprise. Considering Iola has been Mama's friend for years and is constantly at the Harper house, it seems impossible that Iola had never heard of any of the April Fools' pranks.
Plot hole: In the episode "Where's the Wizard?", when Pim gets the Wizard from Lil' Danny, she holds it in her hand. When Lil' Danny steals it, he takes it out of Pim's backpack, meaning it must be Pim's Wizard. But when Phil points it out, she says it's hers. This could be a character mistake, but if it was Phil's Wizard, they would not be able to track the one Hackett had, because inputting the signal of Phil's Wizard would do nothing.
The New Era - S2-E4
Plot hole: Early in the episode, Alex tells Seth that the night of the Killers concert is her night off. (She works at The Bait Shop, the concert venue.) At the end of the episode, Alex is paying The Killers, as if she were the manager on duty.
Chain Gang - S6-E3
Plot hole: When all the gang including Arnie leave the flat to go to the restaurant to meet Mr Stavros, Rodney decides to stay at the flat and wait for Cassandra to phone him. The next scene shows the gang all watching Arnie in the restaurant waiting for Mr Stavros to arrive. Rodney is sat in the van with Uncle Albert but Rodney decided to stay at the flat so there was no way of him being there.