Hoss Delgado: Give it to us straight, Goodburger. Is our little Remus.
Mandy: Billy.
Hoss Delgado: ...Billy, on the bullet train to Smartsville, or is he riding the slow pony to the rubber forest?

Mystery of a Thousand Moons - S1-E18
Obi-Wan: Very impressive. You just destroyed seventeen defenseless battle droids without suffering a scratch.
[Another battle droid falls apart.]
Anakin: Eighteen, actually.

Megatron: Is there anyone brave - or stupid enough - to oppose us? This city is under martial law... and I am the marshal.

The Silver Surfer & the Coming of Galactus: Part 1 - S1-E5
Mr. Fantastic: Galactus must have seen us. Why didn't he say anything?
Uatu: Do you greet the cockroaches on your kitchen floor?

Grubble Gum/The Cinnamini Monster - S1-E3
Mung: We need more spice!
Truffles: Well, I'm glad one of us finally acknowledged it.

Dick Dastardly: Wake up, Muttley! You're dreaming again! / You're not Robin Hood, and you're not Gunga Din! / You're not a brave knight, or a king that's been crowned / You're just plain old Muttley, the snickering hound.

Todd Chavez: Hooray.

The Wedding of Iron Man - S1-E13
James Rhodes: Until we find Mandarin's bug, our house is made of glass, and we're running around without any pants. (00:05:42)

The Prince: Hello there, my bothers. I almost didn't see you. I am...the Prince of Persuasia! There are three steps to persuading women. Step number one: Trap your princess. Physically corner her in a room and eventually, your life. Step two: Insult your princess. Insult her face, her body, her brain, her car. The lower her self-esteem, the higher your chances, bro. It's been biologically proven, by me. Step three: Brag. Not lying, but close. Make up a story about how you single-handedly murdered a wild animal. Your story is going to release a hormone, deep inside her body, called "Insatia." It makes women ovulate. For sex!

Sins of the Fathers Chapter 9: Tombstone - S3-E9
Tombstone: Come down here and fight like a man.
Spider-Man: I don't suppose I could convince you to come up here and fight like a spider.

George Jetson: Jane. Stop this crazy thing.

Mugen: When you point a sword at someone either you kill them or they kill you, there ain't no inbetween. So quit talkin' like a fuckin' pussy. Anyone who can't handle that should just shut THE fuck UP and GET over IT.

Tag Team Trial: Part 1 - S1-E10
Syrus Truesdale: First, I'm going to summon Gyroid in attack mode.
Para: You must be joking. I am surprised that thing even has an attack mode.

The House of Seven Gargoyles - S1-E23
Jonny Quest: We have a proverb in my country, Hadji - seeing is believing.
Hadji: We have one in mine, too - I'm from Missouri.