Shredder: You have a brilliant brain, Krang.
Krang: Of course. It's all I really am.
Rocksteady: Oooh, shiver me timbers.
Bebop: And while you're at it, shiver mine also.
Rupert The Turtle: When that thing gets close to capacity... Kabloo-hoo-hoo-hooey.
All: Kabloo-hoo-hoo-hooey?
Rocksteady: You sure this gonna give us them powers?
Shredder: Of course. Although you may have a little trouble getting a date on Saturday night.
Krang: If I had hands I would cover my ears, if I had them.
Chosen answer: No, that's just the kind of mistake that gets made when you contract a foreign company completely unfamiliar with the product in question to produce your marketing materials as cheaply as possibly.
Phixius ★