Character mistake: Another identity mistake in the finale: When Beast Boy's team is initially subdued, we see honorary Titan Hot Spot standing amongst the villains even though he is a) a hero and b) is supposed to be frozen solid at that time.

Character mistake: President Marsdin says that Camp David was named by President Eisenhower in honor of his son and grandson. It was actually named for his father and his grandson; his sons were named John and Doud.

Character mistake: Patterson - the oceanographer - at one point claims that Lithuania is land-locked. She should know better; in fact, Lithuania has a coastline of close to 100 km on the Baltic Sea.

Character mistake: The first time Arnold tries Rhonda's marriage predictor test, he says his favorite number is five, but Rhonda actually makes six moves. The second time, Arnold says it's three, but Rhonda counts off four.

Character mistake: In the third instance where Superman manages to get rid of Mxyzptlk, he uses an article full of typos which spell the latter's name backwards as KLTPZYXM. Among the incorrect words is the word "citrimes", in which Superman has included an I and a T, so the correct word in context with the rest of the text should read "crimes" and thus the errors would spell KL-I-TPZYXM. Since there are no vowels in MXYZPTLK, however, what is the additional I doing here - and why didn't Mxyzptlk bother to mark it as a mistake, either?

Character mistake: In the scene where Captain Sobel is inspecting the soldiers at the beginning of the episode, he goes up to Sergeant Lipton and notices something wrong with his chevrons. Well, in that part, Sergeant Lipton is not standing correctly in the position of attention because he is sort of slouching and his head is in front of his shoulders and the correct position of attention is standing straight up and having your neck behind your shoulders. If he was in the real army, he would have gotten a punishment for not standing at the correct position of attention. (00:09:30)

The Joker's Flying Saucer - S3-E24
Character mistake: Vertigris tells Joker he planted a bomb in the Batmobile while it was parked in front of City Hall/Police HQ. Only in this instance, it wasn't. It was parked in the alley out back, the better to hide his bomb-planting from public view, so it's strange that he'd forget this. (00:08:15)

Character mistake: In season 4 episode 13, "Tuesday," when Marshall is meeting with Ulrich, he is both able to understand and reply in German. In season 5 episode 15, "No Hard Feelings," Marshall almost misses the opportunity to change the street light from red to green, because the text is all in German. Jack has to tell Marshall which word is green, indicating that Marshall does not understand the German language.

The King of the Delta Blues - S2-E6
Character mistake: "Are you going to send in the calvary?" is said twice. It should be "cavalry". (00:09:40)

Character mistake: The Eagle Koenig flies is called Eagle One. However, the number on the door behind him is plainly a four, meaning Eagle Four.
Suggested correction: This happens a lot. The number on the door is not the number of the Eagle, it's the number of the command module. The super structure and drive systems are Eagle One. Even then, there has been several Eagle Ones destroyed or lost. Eagle One is assigned its designation by the head of Recon, Alan Carter.

Character mistake: Zordon begins to explain to the Rangers about their powers and then their Zords. At one point, he says "You need only to turn to the power of your Dino Zords." However, the subtitles get it wrong and spell it as if he's saying "Dinosaurs" instead of Dino Zords which is what he says. (00:10:38)

When in Rome - S1-E3
Character mistake: Nobody in this scene knows how to dance the tango that is playing. (00:16:35)

Character mistake: When Harlan Edwards collapses and Dr. Arcane tells them to clear his airway, one of the other doctors addresses her as "Dr. Cane."

Adventures in the Elements - S1-E12
Character mistake: On the Hexside brochure, Principal Bump is misspelled "Principle Bump." (00:00:03)

Character mistake: Throughout the whole series Jin and Sun refer to each other as "yobo." The subtitles continually translate "yobo" as either "Jin" or "Sun" which is incorrect. "Yobo" is Korea's version of "dear" or "sweetheart."

Character mistake: When Billy Bones gives himself in to the redcoats, he states he is Long John Silver. In one of the next cuts, he talks about Silver in third person. The governor shows no shock and they keep talking as if Billy Bones had said at the start of the conversation who he truly was. Then he instructs the governor on how to take on "himself" and Flint.

Mine Your Own Business - S1-E4
Character mistake: When Shaggy and Scooby order Sarsaparilla at the saloon, Scooby says "Two" but he appears to be holding up three fingers.

Character mistake: No referee in wrestling would allow a double team to occur without either trying to break it up or counting to five. Yet here he allows The Golden Girls to do so twice.

Character mistake: At the border crossing during the car chase there is a mistyped sign below the window reading "Bunesrepublik Deutschland". it should be "Bundesrepublik Deutschland" (00:07:45)

Armageddon Now: Part 1 - S4-E13
Character mistake: Callisto's sword is missing. When she appears in the Xena Season Three finale "Sacrifice", her sword has reappeared. It is never explained why Callisto doesn't have her sword during her three appearances on Hercules the Legendary Journeys.