Audio problem: When Tommy replays Jamie's call about Michael, there's an announcement at the bus station, when Jamie makes that call, you don't hear that announcement.

Audio problem: In the final fight scene between Liu and Shang Tsung, Liu hits Shang in the face repeatedly, but there is one extra hit sound for which there is no motion.

Audio problem: When Dade is typing on Kate's computer at the party and she is leaning over her shoulder, we hear "I hope you don't screw like you type", but Kate doesn't actually say 'screw', she mouths a certain 4-letter word that starts with F.

Audio problem: When Cole and Railly discover the twelve monkeys symbol on the walls, Cole grabs Railly's arm and shouts "Hey!" twice, but his lips don't move the second time. (00:57:45)

Audio problem: In the beginning of the film, Sly is on the computer telling his employers that the mark has been retired. If you listen to the keyboard strokes compared to what's typed on the screen, you'll notice that no sound is made for the space bar or the enter button.

Audio problem: When boiling acid starts spraying inside of the bank vault that Batman and a security guard are in, the security guard shouts "It's boiling acid." But his lips does not match with what he is saying. It happens again when the guard yells to Batman, "Don't let go." (00:08:15)

Audio problem: Between 1:12:26 and 1:12:37 into the film, as the chopper lands near the outer perimeter of the cordon for Cedar Creek, the audio has mixed into it civilian ATC conversations from a commercial airport, instead of military center. Specifically, ".cleared to land 24R.Delta 1781 cross runway 24L.". The chopper should not be on civilian freq at an airport far from his operating area or landing zone. You can compare the audio at 1:25:20 when the army loach leaves the flight line, ATC audio is presumed to be on the right freq and is ordered to RTB / land. (01:12:25)

Audio problem: When the other prostitute is run down, in the ensuing crowd chaos you hear a man scream 'Hey you jerk,' or words to that effect. Several seconds later you hear the same shout again, the exact phrase, the exact tone, the same recording.

Audio problem: When Mike and Marcus are driving in Marcus's car, just before they sing Bad Boys, in the shot over Mike's shoulder we see that what he is saying does not match the movement of his mouth. (00:22:40)
Suggested correction: But Will Smith is not speaking in that shot. Martin Lawrence is saying something corny ("I'm a baaad boy") that is the cue for the song. Smith is just mouthing under his breath.

Audio problem: At the beginning of the show when MJ and Reuben are introduced in the training area. Reuben fires his handgun but the sound does not match the shots.

Audio problem: In the club in which Nancy is dancing (and Keung goes to talk to her), there is dance music playing. This is not a score to the film/scene, but rather an actual song being played in the club. Then why is there also a rock band playing guitars/bass/drums, and why can't we hear it? It's also quite obvious that the band isn't playing in harmony with that dance song in any form, either.

Audio problem: In the shots of Detective John Mackey standing by the window looking out of the blinds at Selena, while he's on the telephone, as he speaks, nothing that we hear matches up with the movements of the side of his mouth. It is very clearly out of sync, and audio is heard when the mouth is still. (00:07:55)

Audio problem: When the Bat Exterminator is pointing at the book in the attic, he says "Some kid said she saw a bunch of those back in the 60's." His mouth is visible in the screen, however it doesn't move at all. (00:18:50)

Audio problem: The guitarists weren't going with the sound of drumming on their guitars. Also the timing of their lips while singing were wrong.

Audio problem: When Parker and Sid are fighting on the rooftop at the end, watch and listen because when Parker jumps to the rail where Sid is. After managing to barely climb over the rail, he punches Sid. About two seconds later, the punch sound takes affect after the scene is gone.

Audio problem: Another audio problem in the same scene: As Brian Engle is approaching the cockpit, there is some more muttering, presumably in this order (using actors initials: MLC: Right, Good God. PW: Is he (muffled) MLC: I know, I seem real strange. He's outta control.

Audio problem: At the beginning of the movie, the terrorists start take over the train, Ryback beats up a terrorist and throws him out of the train then some guy says something into the radio like, "we got one casualty", his mouth doesn't match what he's saying.

Audio problem: While Bond is wrestling with the pilot inside the small plane at the beginning, he leans out of the door and shoots a guard on a bike. However, the actual gunshot is heard before he even points his gun. (00:07:30)

Audio problem: When Lenny, Masey and Max have found Tic "cooked off" in his van, Masey and Max are having a discussion and there is a shot of Lenny in the van, trying to make Tic more comfortable. Behind him, you can see Masey and she is obviously talking, but unfortunately, it is Max we can hear in voiceover.

Audio problem: During the heist in the Federal Reserve a lot of sounds are missing. For example, when Katya drops her bolt cutters, there is no sound as they hit the ground.