Audio problem: When Sidney comes running to the house and she sees Dewey come out with the knife in his back she screams "Dewey!" but her mouth says "no!" (01:27:23)

Audio problem: When the Knights deploy their missiles with no results, we see in close-ups as they respond that Steven is Knight 1, Jimmy is Knight 7, and another Marine is Knight 3. After Steven says, "Knight 1. Sweet Luck. Echo, Fox 2," we see a close-up of Knight 3 and hear his voice (not Jimmy's) say, "Knight 7, Fox 2", though he is in fact Knight 3, and Jimmy is Knight 7. (01:00:45)

Audio problem: When Carl is being beat up by Shep, Shep is shouting a whole bunch of obscenities and gibberish at Carl, but during several shots where we see his face, the audio is not matched up to what he is shouting.

Audio problem: During the chase scene at the science museum, there is a shot where an FBI Agent reports on a disturbance there. If you watch closely, you can see where he originally said the "Smithsonian", and the audio was dubbed to say "science museum". (01:08:20)

Audio problem: In the, "Midnight Express" Scene where Chip is talking to Steven on the phone, at one point Steven yells at the guards to arrest Chip because he was the one that framed him, after this Chip talks says on the phone quietly, "Hey Bernie, Hows that Sports Package" And Bernie gives him a thumbs up. Bernie was standing in the back of the room, without the phone and considering how quietly Chip said it there was no way that Bernie could have heard it. (01:09:40)

Audio problem: When Charlie is driving the truck, you see her press the brake, but you hear the engine rev.

Audio problem: When Bob runs from Vanessa, out of the car after being shot, Vanessa shoots her gun, and we see the bullet hit the floor, with the audio of gunfire to match it. Then audibly we hear Vanessa shot the gun two more times, however visibly three bullet-holes appear in Bob's brown coat, so they forgot the audio for one of the bullet-fire, also revealing that Bob was probably wearing squibs.

Audio problem: After Agent Dammers shoots Frank in the arm, in the close-up he shouts, "I don't want to shoot you in the back...I said turn around!" In the next close-up of Frank, Dammers repeats the latter, though nothing is heard. (01:36:20)

Audio problem: When "Mickey Mouse" rescues Roark, he says something like "It's gonna be all right," yet his mouth is closed and not moving at all.

Audio problem: When the two storm chasing crews have stopped at the Hot Pit Bar-B-Q, in the shot where Bill runs over to beat up Jonas for supposedly stealing his design for Dorothy, Jonas's mouth is not moving and yet we hear him continuing to talk about DOT 3. (00:19:45)

Audio problem: When the band is playing, the vocals doesn't fit the singer's lip movements. (00:46:40)

Audio problem: Sydney is walking towards Jimmy, shooting - there are 4 bangs but only 3 flashes from the gun. (01:34:25)

Audio problem: Isabelle, in the bathroom, turns the bath on, then proceeds to have a heart attack. Slowly people come in and help her take her pills. No-one goes near the bath, and yet the sound of the running water is no longer there.

Audio problem: Just before Sally Field screams about the smell being washed out of her daughter's pillow, take a look at the little girl eating breakfast. She tells her father that she doesn't like bananas but you can tell she said something else and then laughed and said "I mean." while trying to hide her laughter. Although it was an obvious mistake she did a good job of covering it up.

Audio problem: When the Geckos shoot Chet Pussy, the sounds of gunfire don't match the visible gunshots. (01:00:25)

Audio problem: Nancy shouts, "Yay Chris! Go long! Go for the pass, baby!" at football practice, and her voice is so distorted that the viewer can easily tell the line was added post-production (with too much gain).

Audio problem: When Cole says "Boring" during the end fight scene, his mouth does not move.

Audio problem: As Lee walks into the Cyrez building, the camera pans up to the top of the building, where a helicopter is landing. The problem is that it is an Apache attack chopper that is seen landing, but the sound is of an OH-58, a smaller chopper.

Audio problem: During the second robbery, when TiTi is on the floor, the obviously dubbed vocals don't coincide. One is of TiTi saying "Let's go." She's on the floor, obviously not saying anything.