Revealing mistake: There is a large painted hanging cloth backdrop of clouds in the mountain scenes near the end of the film. Vertical streaks can be seen in the backdrop that are the pleats in the fabric. These streaks really stand out in the restored versions of the film.

Revealing mistake: When Thunderbird 3 lands in London, the jets do not burn the grass they land on.

Revealing mistake: Very near the end of the movie, when the NOAA director is viewed in the helicopter as it approaches NYC, the image is reversed, verified by the David Clark logo on his headset being reversed. There are two different shots of this just a few seconds apart, and they are both reversed.

Revealing mistake: When Hillard throws the basketball at Ripley, you can clearly see the white tape on Ripley's hand which was used to catch the ball. (00:23:10)

Revealing mistake: When Gary and Wyatt come home and see Chet turned into a pile of poo, Chet shoots his tongue from his mouth and catches a fly. Look closely, the tongue flies completely out of his mouth and is attached to a metal spring. (01:24:55)

Revealing mistake: During the attack of the Global Sedition on the space station at the beginning of the film, several objects can be seen with dark grey boxes around them - CGI artifacts. One clear time is when Ranger 1 is saying "Damn, can't shake him". (00:02:35)

Revealing mistake: Near the end of the film when Matthew is trying to destroy the pod "greenhouse," there is a shot where Elizabeth walks through. She is supposed to be naked, but if you look close you can see she is wearing flesh colored underwear. (01:55:30)

Revealing mistake: When the truck leaps off the ferry, the underside is seen, exposing the still-flaming 'roll cannon' opening in the rear floorboard. This cannon is what caused the rear of the truck to rise, sending the truck flipping through the air. (01:52:30)

Revealing mistake: When the Japanese tanks are firing upon Godzilla, one of the pyro effects catches the Godzilla suit on fire (at the arm). One can see the stunt man begin to frantically shake his arm upon this realization before the editing cuts to another shot.

Revealing mistake: Throughout the movie closeups of Enik's eyes reflect the lights and set around him that aren't part of the movie. During the scene when he's talking to Dr. Marshall about how the crystal controls the sleestack, you can see the white ceiling of the soundstage and lights which instead should be the sky.

Revealing mistake: There are two Ewoks Wicket's parent is in search of. One of the those Ewoks is climbing down a mountain and the other has finished climbing down. As this happens, look at the Ewok not climbing. As he bends down, half way down his left leg, there is some sort of fold there. This is mainly due to the fact that the Ewok actors wore costumes whilst filming. The fold is coming from the Ewok costume. (00:07:50)

Revealing mistake: In the beginning of the movie, when Hellboy is speaking on the phone with "Dad", he's speaking on on speaker, but when the phone shows up, instead of showing a screen of a call on speaker with the duration on the call, the screen shows what would appear if he was receiving a phone call before accepting or declining. (03:35:00)

Revealing mistake: Towards the end of the movie where Veronica Roberts hands are tied behind her back, she goes over to the mulching machine to cut the rope free. But as she hits the blades they bend and move like rubber.

Revealing mistake: When Helga is sent flying into her room, the support cable that is attached to her is visible.

Revealing mistake: While Wayne, Diane, Patty, and Gordon are in the laundry basket, Adam and Mitch carry that basket upstairs. When Mitch says, "I bet my parents wish I didn't have a medical problem," the camera turns to follow the boys as they walk up the stairs, and the left wall (with striped wallpaper) of the staircase is missing to accommodate the camera filming from that angle. It's visible again when Mitch says, "And I feel fine." (00:35:35)

Revealing mistake: When Yulaw and Gabe are having a confrontation next to the MRI machine, Gabe jumps across the table and kicks Yulaw. Here you can see the attempt at face replacement on the stunt double as Gabe, which looks fake and plasticy. (00:34:50)

Revealing mistake: When Tessa and Shane are trying to free Optimus from being impaled to the wall after he is stabbed with his sword, there is a shot of Tessa running towards Optimus after she grabs the hook belonging to the tow truck. In the background of the shot, the Willis Tower, also known as the Sears Tower, can be seen in the far background. The buildings surrounding the tower can also be seen as well. The Willis Tower is located in Chicago, but the scene is set in Hong Kong. The scene was likely filmed in Chicago. (02:32:40)

Revealing mistake: When Nick is being sucked out of the hole/cave, you can see the wires visible from his waist. (01:20:35)

Revealing mistake: When we see the new recruits at boot camp, they are wearing M1 Helmets. But if you look closely, they have rivets through the sides of each helmet where the chinstrap bales would be. In reality, the M1 helmet chinstrap bales were and continued to be welded onto the shell of the helmet. This indicates the helmets in the film are probably plastic replicas with the bales being riveted in place.

Revealing mistake: In the junkyard, Leo and Raph grab a long pole and plough through several Foot Ninjas with it. It is painfully obvious the ninjas react to the pole before it ever hits them. Especially the guy on the ground. (00:53:20)