Revealing mistake: When the scientists inject the mouse with poison, they put it in a jar. The, after they place it down you can see someone's hand swap the jar for one containing a dead mouse. You can even hear it. (01:17:58)

Revealing mistake: As the Predator tends to his wounded leg, one of his claws can be seen bending as if made of rubber.

Revealing mistake: The scene of rioting in the UK features a load of police officers running through a crowd. All the officers shown are wearing black tunics and custodian helmets worn with chinstraps. This is obviously old stock footage from a protest in the 80's or early 90's as nowadays, (and especially in 2012) the tunic has not been worn as general wear for well over 15 years, and Brit cops are now better equipped for protests with body armour, NATO helmets, flame retardant overalls, etc.

Revealing mistake: When Ariadne is pulling the two huge mirrors close together underneath the bridge with Cobb, watch her when she is closing the second mirror. She steps over something even though there is nothing present for her to step over. There must have been a green screen frame there for her to step over.

Revealing mistake: Mr Hyde makes no bubbles when growling underwater. (01:11:30)

Revealing mistake: When Yoda knocks Darth Sidious backwards over his chair, you can see the stuntman's hand. Sidious's hands are old and his nails are dark around the cuticles, but the hand during the flip is perfectly healthy and a different size. (01:45:35)

Revealing mistake: When Will Smith throws a rock at the escaping Edgar alien, if you watch the rock after it hits the alien, it disappears after hitting the ground. (01:23:20)

Revealing mistake: When the huge alien ship settles over the White House there is an exterior wideshot of the grounds. At the bottom of this shot it's funny how there are many tourists - adults and children, just milling around in front of the gate and across the street with a van driving along between the two sides, and not one has any sort of reaction to the alien ship. This real shot of the White House (some shots had smaller-scale models) had the CG ship edited in during post production. (Visible on fullscreen DVD.)

Revealing mistake: There is a shot from the Terminator's POV, before he rams the blue car with the semi truck, in which you can see that the car is already damaged. No slow-mo is required to see this, but it is a blink-and-you'll-miss-it shot.

Revealing mistake: When Tony goes to the bathroom and scans his blood toxicity, the Tony who faces the camera is supposed to be his reflection in the mirror, but the problem is the reflection is not reversed because it's not a mirror image, note Tony's clothing. Also, note how he scanned his right hand's finger, but then in the "mirror" he's sucking on his left hand's pricked finger. (00:28:30)

Revealing mistake: After Carmen rescues Juni, as they fly over the city she says, "Hang on butterfingers." In the following close-ups, where is the handcuff with the broken chain on Juni's wrist? He is not wearing it on either wrist in any of these close-ups. It's obviously back in the following shots. (00:41:45)

Revealing mistake: When Qui-Gon, Jar-Jar, and Padme are eating at Anakin's house, Anakin's mum pours water for Qui-Gon. But when she gets to Jar-Jar, she tips the pitcher but no water comes out. (00:39:10)

Revealing mistake: When Captain Needa is killed by Darth Vader because they lost track of the Millennium Falcon, in the background, two guards come to take him away. You can clearly see the dead captain get up almost by himself. (01:10:50)

Revealing mistake: It's painfully apparent that the actors are hung on wires pretending to swim while outside the sub.

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Doc Brown is following Biff into the tunnel, as Marty starts to pass between the cars on his hoverboard, one of the wheels on the rig supporting the hovering DeLorean is visible. (01:30:30)

Revealing mistake: In the end when Mulder is reading the paper in the park. The paper is clearly a prop. Only the frontpage is real - when he puts the paper away you can see that the rest of the paper consists of blank pages. (01:45:45)

Revealing mistake: In the beginning, during the riot outbreak, there is a scene with a soldier being pulled down from climbing a fence. In the next shot as the crowd is pushing forward, you can see a concrete road block tip over. If you look closely at the bottom of the block, you can see that it's not a real concrete block, but a prop made of wood planks and grey painted rubber.

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Peter saves the child (Venus Lam) from the burning building, right after the jump over the floor opening, the child stands up to help Peter we can see she wears knee pads under her pajamas.

Revealing mistake: As Carlos is giving his final goodbyes to Claire you can see in the background automobiles driving down the freeway. Shouldn't these roads be empty rather than having what seems to be a thriving highway? (01:10:00)
Suggested correction: Not a single car in the background.

Revealing mistake: When they are in the hospital van, taking the senator to triage, and they receive fire from the helicopter, one announces that "Randall is dead" referring to the young man in the back of the van. It then cuts to his corpse - however, a split second before the scene changes away from his face, his eyes move towards the camera. (00:56:35)