Revealing mistake: 1955 skateboard chase scene around town square. Note in this scene a metal device has been added between the kicktail and the back truck of the skateboard to create the sparks, then disappears and reappears throughout the whole chase scene. (01:03:40)

Revealing mistake: When Gary and Wyatt come home and see Chet turned into a pile of poo, Chet shoots his tongue from his mouth and catches a fly. Look closely, the tongue flies completely out of his mouth and is attached to a metal spring. (01:24:55)

Revealing mistake: When Rhodes is pointing his gun at Steele, telling him to shoot Sarah, there's no bullet in the chamber of his gun.

Revealing mistake: At the end, when the Colonel is at his control panel on the phone just after the nuke goes off, the cord from the phone begins to peel from the control panel. This is mentioned in the DVD commentary.

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Herbert and Dan re-animate the dead corpse, watch closely when Herbert rams the little buzz saw into the corpse's chest. At the bottom of the screen, you can see where the fake chest ends.

Revealing mistake: During the scene on the helicopter when the female vampire is developing from the entrails of blood from the two dead men onboard, it is obvious that they are mannequins/dummies as the blood leaves them.

Revealing mistake: When Daryl plays F1 Pole Position, the camera shows the full television screen for four seconds. The time remaining for each lap is decreasing faster than time progresses. Within three seconds of film, roughly six seconds pass in-game. When the car moves faster later on, the screen is tightly cropped to hide effects on the statistics. From the graphics this is the Atari 5200 version, which cannot compute quickly enough to represent that speed visually, and the score of 79950 is normally attainable, so the game itself is unchanged. The only conclusion is that the video is simply sped up.

Revealing mistake: When Kent rolls out of the front door with the popcorn, it is obviously a stunt double due to the man's hair being brown/black and Kent having blonde hair. (01:38:25)

Revealing mistake: When the policemen are looking for Jack who poses as a hobo, and when Lopez confronts him and gets killed, the scene is supposed to happen to during the night, but what appears to be daylight comes through the openings (we see the outside of the building when they all escape and there's no light source like that). (00:53:15)

Revealing mistake: After the machine runs over the terminal, killing him, when the camera shows the legs being run over again, it's easy to tell that they're dummy legs.

Revealing mistake: At the start when Max is knocked of his truck, the plane circles and the shot switches to in front of the camels. If you look at the ground you can see the tyre tracks from previous takes.

Revealing mistake: When the Pillsbury alien comes in to the pool house, a bright white light turns on from the far left. It is supposed to be emanating from Pillsbury. The color is also incorrect.