Revealing mistake: There is a shot from the Terminator's POV, before he rams the blue car with the semi truck, in which you can see that the car is already damaged. No slow-mo is required to see this, but it is a blink-and-you'll-miss-it shot.

Revealing mistake: There's a scene where Dana's building is falling apart and stones and stuff are falling to the street below. One of the huge boulders bounces off a wooden police barricade in the bottom left hand corner of the screen, and then off a person. (01:29:14)

Revealing mistake: There are two Ewoks Wicket's parent is in search of. One of the those Ewoks is climbing down a mountain and the other has finished climbing down. As this happens, look at the Ewok not climbing. As he bends down, half way down his left leg, there is some sort of fold there. This is mainly due to the fact that the Ewok actors wore costumes whilst filming. The fold is coming from the Ewok costume. (00:07:50)

Revealing mistake: During the invasion of Dune by the Harkonnen, a Sardukar soldier throws a guard from what appears to be the palace's wall. When he hits the ground all the bodies around him bounce as if they where lying on some sort of cushion. (01:09:50)

Revealing mistake: When Kirk and Kruge are fighting, a piece of the cliff breaks away and wiggles down the side of the cliff rather than falling like a rock. (01:22:55)

Revealing mistake: When Supergirl flies through the window to fight the invisible monster, half of the screen shows her jumping in a school uniform and the other half exiting with the Supergirl outfit. Watch closely and you'll notice that her halves don't match, giving the sense that she is missing part of her body.

Revealing mistake: When the Russian pod is launched, a wide shot shows the Monolith at top/right with Jupiter in the background and both the Leonov and Discovery at bottom/right with the pod nearby. Just before this shot ends, all three spacecraft vanish, leaving only Jupiter and the Monolith for a very short but obvious moment. (01:04:35)

Revealing mistake: In the opening scene where the alien car is pulled to the side of the road by the cop you can see two identical sets of tire tracks in the dust in the same place - a sign that this scene was filmed more than once in the same location and the filmmakers didn't wipe away the tracks. As the car pulls out you can see another set of identical tire tracks further up the road as well.

Revealing mistake: When Charlie sets the mens clothes on fire, burning gel is clearly visible on their clothes. (00:38:30)

Revealing mistake: Going to his father's old place, David and Allison turn right on the corner, pass some stores and then turn left to drive into the lot of the Texaco station. The reflection shown in the stores' windows across the street is not at all what is supposedly across from those stores. Also, when they start to pull away from the station a set of studio lights are reflected in the side back window of the car. (01:02:40)

Revealing mistake: Almost every time a floating robot explosive that is chasing the police cars is seen, you can see a wire that is pulling them.

Revealing mistake: As the stars speed up due to the star drive, you can see them shining through the solid part of the door.

Revealing mistake: When Wilson crashes the truck towards the end of the film, you can tell it's actually a stunt driver because he has a full head of hair.