Character mistake: During the interview with Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Alan Krumwiede incorrectly describes what an R naught of 2 means. He claims on Day 1 there were 2 people infected, then 4, then 16, then 256... This is raising each number to the 2nd power (squaring each number.) But we learned earlier in the movie from Dr. Erin Mears that the R naught indicates the number of people who will become infected by 1 infected person. So to calculate the spread of the disease, each # of infected should be multiplied by 2, not squared. It should go Day 1 = 2, Day 2 = 4, Day 3 = 8, Day 4 = 16, Day 5 = 32, etc. (01:06:35)

Character mistake: In the Iraqi Desert, when the British soldiers speak of the casualties and losses, one of the British soldiers mentions the loss of the Belgian contingent and possible reinforcements, then makes a reference to the "Golan Straits"; there is no such place.
Suggested correction: "Golan Straits" is another word (albeit dated one) for the Goland Heights which is a region of Syria occupied by Israel.
The region in question has no straits, which is the point of the entry. And never would the term "Golan Strait" be used to identify a 1,800 sq km plateau. The actor, or writer, used the wrong term that a soldier in that situation wouldn't use.

Character mistake: Mulder and Scully sneak into the morgue at Bethesda Naval Hospital to view the body of the dead fireman from the bomb blast. Mulder lifts the sheet back on the body to show that the man's tissue is "like jelly." Scully surmises there's been some kind of cellular breakdown, and then says the tissue is "completely edematous." However, Dr. Scully mispronounces "edematous" as ed-a-may-shuss. The correct pronunciation is i-dem-a-tuss. Being a doctor she'd know the difference. (00:37:45)

Character mistake: When Jack arrives in New York he's right next to the Statue of Liberty. However when he reaches the library he comes from the East River and walks west. That is a pretty big detour around the southeastern corner of Manhattan, instead of taking the direct route. (01:47:00 - 01:48:20)
Suggested correction: Easier to walk in an open area and have a short distance walking between buildings rather than walking through the city where the terrain may not be the best even with the snow/ice.

Character mistake: When Sharp is teaching AJ to remote detonate the bomb, he says to "lift, press, hold" the trigger device. But the actions with the hands are actually "lift, hold, press." Even AJ repeats it wrong. (02:11:00)
Suggested correction: Lift (the cover), press (the button), hold (the button). That's the sequence.
The suggested correction sequence leaves out the trigger. The original mistake entry seems to be accurate. After watching again, Harry lifts the cover off the trigger, holds the trigger, and then presses the button. Lift, hold, press.

Character mistake: One of the top most taboo things for a super hero to do is reveal any aspect of another hero's identity to someone, especially a villain. But when Flash is trapped by the gray adhesive and the other Justice League members are about to take the villains away to disarm the bombs, Flash tells Green Lantern "Hal, go", calling Green Lantern by his first name right in front of Mirror Master. (00:08:05)

Character mistake: When Will Riker comes to Troi's office and kisses her, Troi says that she has never kissed him with a beard before, but in the third season episode "Menage a Troi", Troi does in fact kiss a bearded Will Riker, while on leave at Betazed, in the Fifth season "The Outcast", and again in season six's "Man of The People." (00:26:45)

Character mistake: When the elder Vulcans inform young Spock of the death of the older Spock, they show him a tablet that has him listed as "Second Officer - USS Enterprise." Spock was First Officer.

Character mistake: At the end, Professor Challenger misidentifies the dinosaur in the boiling water as a T-Rex. Its arms are too long, and it sports horns. It is much more likely a carnotaur. This area being a forte of his, I doubt Professor Challenger would make this mistake.

Character mistake: When Nedry is stealing the embryos, an extra "n" is missing on the label "Tyranosaurus".

Character mistake: When Steve is at the Smithsonian, he reads the biography of his friend Bucky. At the start of the description, the bio reads "Born in 1916...", but at the bottom of the description, it reads "Bucky Barnes: 1917 - 1944." (00:18:35)

Character mistake: After the robots first attack New York City, a series of newspapers is shown. One of the headlines in the French one reads "La Tour Eiffeil est détruite". The proper spelling is "Eiffel" (00:15:55)

Character mistake: When they're reviving Lindsey, Bud screams "fight" and slaps her. watch as she closes her eyes on the second slap while she is supposed to be dead.

Character mistake: When Curtis and Connie stop at the first gas station, the word diesel is misspelled as disel.

Character mistake: At the beginning they refer to the G8. Russia was removed from the group in 2014, making it the G7. (00:07:20)

Character mistake: When Guile promises to rescue the hostages while on camera with Bison, he makes it a point to mention Charlie by name to reassure him that he wasn't forgotten. Anyone in charge of a major hostage recovery operation would avoid naming a specific hostage unknown to the enemy due to the special focus that the enemy may put on that hostage for further abuse. This was promptly proven when Bison specifically chose Charlie to transform into a beast due to Guile identifying him as a personal friend.

Character mistake: When the T-1000 comes from the checkerboard floor and turns into the security guard at the mental hospital, the guard has just gotten a cup of coffee. On the side of the cup he has Jack, Jack, Ace, Ace. He looks at the bottom and says he's got a full house, but the card value on bottom of cup is Queen, which leaves him with only two pair.

Character mistake: After Wade is going over the second clue in his mind and trying to figure out what part of Halliday's past is he trying to escape from, he looks over the wall of article clippings and notes he has hung up. When the camera stops on Karen Underwood's obituary, there is a hand written note beside it listing movies set in New York, with the sentence "Set in New York" underlined. This apparently him looking for clues in films set there for the race challenge that is in Manhattan. However, one of the films he has written on that list is Mad Max, which takes place in Australia, not New York. (00:35:00)

Character mistake: The Rufus hologram states that he first brought the phone booth to the Chosen Ones (Bill and Ted) in 1989, referencing events of the original film. While that was the year the first movie came out, it took place in 1988 (indicated by the opening title card and dialogue throughout the movie).

Character mistake: A character mentions carbon-dating one of the fossils found. This is preposterous... you can't carbon-date fossils like the ones being shown. Radiometric dating maybe... But certainly not carbon dating. He's a professional and should know more than better that carbon dating wouldn't work.