Character mistake: One of the other trainers said he rode over on a Pidgeotto, but it was a Pidgeot. (00:40:07)

Character mistake: Mulder and Scully sneak into the morgue at Bethesda Naval Hospital to view the body of the dead fireman from the bomb blast. Mulder lifts the sheet back on the body to show that the man's tissue is "like jelly." Scully surmises there's been some kind of cellular breakdown, and then says the tissue is "completely edematous." However, Dr. Scully mispronounces "edematous" as ed-a-may-shuss. The correct pronunciation is i-dem-a-tuss. Being a doctor she'd know the difference. (00:37:45)

Character mistake: When Sharp is teaching AJ to remote detonate the bomb, he says to "lift, press, hold" the trigger device. But the actions with the hands are actually "lift, hold, press." Even AJ repeats it wrong. (02:11:00)
Suggested correction: Lift (the cover), press (the button), hold (the button). That's the sequence.
The suggested correction sequence leaves out the trigger. The original mistake entry seems to be accurate. After watching again, Harry lifts the cover off the trigger, holds the trigger, and then presses the button. Lift, hold, press.

Character mistake: When Will Riker comes to Troi's office and kisses her, Troi says that she has never kissed him with a beard before, but in the third season episode "Menage a Troi", Troi does in fact kiss a bearded Will Riker, while on leave at Betazed, in the Fifth season "The Outcast", and again in season six's "Man of The People." (00:26:45)

Character mistake: When Murdoch finds the correct page in the phonebook, it is not sorted correctly. e.g. "Harber G" should be before "Harber TJ" and "Harrison Dale" should be before "Harrison E" (00:44:18)

Character mistake: After killing three of the 'new' soldiers, Todd says that there are seventeen left. He then kills about another thirty.

Character mistake: At the radio store a sign shown to Jack when he asks if they take personal checks is misspelled. It says "personnal." (00:58:55)

Character mistake: The banner of the fundraiser event for the Gotham upper class says "Childrens Hospital", no apostrophe. (00:11:55)