Best sci-fi movie audio problems of 1987

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The Running Man picture

Audio problem: Just after Dynamo kills Weiss, the next shot shows Dynamo approaching the camera. You can see Dynamos lips moving, and he's speaking, but you can't hear anything.


More The Running Man audio problems
Cherry 2000 picture

Audio problem: When E. Johnson and Sam are hiding behind a pile of tyres, spying on Lester, after Lester's group has pushed the caravan off the cliff, Johnson gets up and says "We're gonna take a little detour," but her mouth is shut. (00:32:00)


More Cherry 2000 audio problems
Masters of the Universe picture

Audio problem: The keyboard Kevin gets from the music shop seems to have an interesting trait, in that the high notes are on the left. This must either be bad "audio dubbing" or something to do with the shot perhaps being reversed, although I doubt this. It's most likely a post-production audio error as very very few keyboards or pianos are configured in this way.

David Mercier

More Masters of the Universe audio problems
Spaceballs picture

Audio problem: The radar operator (making the sounds of a garbled intercom) is laughing through his next line "I'm having trouble with the radar, Sir." (After/when Dark Helmet throws the intercom across the control panel). (00:21:45)


More Spaceballs audio problems
More Superman IV: The Quest for Peace audio problems
Predator picture

Audio problem: After Dutch has fired the rocket at the Predator standing on the log, the Predator shoots several times. Then you can hear it shoot one more time, but you can't see any blast coming from it. (01:24:35)


More Predator audio problems
Bad Taste picture

Audio problem: When Lord Crumb says "Once the Fast Food authorities have checked the samples..." his mouth movements are way out of sync with the audio. (00:45:50)


More Bad Taste audio problems
Robocop picture

Audio problem: At the end of the movie where Dick Jones is falling from the OCP building. At the end of the shot you can hear the splat sound. But he's not near the ground yet. He is still seen up in the air. (01:36:00)


More Robocop audio problems
Project X picture

Audio problem: After the incident in the flight chamber with Goliath at the film's climax, Jimmy turns to Teri and says "let's get the hell out of here." However, the audio does not his mouth movement, as he was saying "let's get the fuck out of here." (01:31:40)

More Project X audio problems
G.I. Joe: The Movie picture

Audio problem: When trying to steel the BET, Serpentor fllies in close and Duke grabs onto his glider. The sounds of TIE Fighters are used for Serpentor's glider. You can even hear Darth Vader breathing for a moment. (00:15:45)

Quantom X

More G.I. Joe: The Movie audio problems

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