Question: I read that Evan Rachel Wood's character, Tracy, is supposed to be Nikki Reed at the age when she was having the experiences that Tracy went through. Was the character Evie based on a girl that Nikki knew in real life?

Question: Does Kiera Nightly's character ever split up with her husband and go to his best friend? They show her with the husband at the end of the movie, but it seemed to me that she really loved the best friend. I was sure she would choose him over her husband.
Answer: No, Keira Knightley's character is not in love with the best friend; her kiss is one of compassion and affection, not love. Richard Curtis mentions this on the DVD commentary - he says something about Juliet being the sort of girl who would be used to men falling for her and treating them gently and kindly, which is what she does here.

Question: Do Charlotte and Bob end up sleeping together? While the obvious answer is no, when they are going up the elevator the night before Bob is leaving, notice the jacket he is wearing. It's the same jacket that Charlotte gives to him the next morning which he says she "stole" from him. While it doesn't necessarily say they did, they obviously did something together after the elevator scene.
Answer: If they did, it was never said or seen during the duration of the movie. Usually if this happens, it means the event did not occur.

Question: When Baxter and his men ride into town, he brings 8 hired guns with him for a total of 9; but when the fight starts, there are only 8. Baxter and 4 men confront Charlie and Boss, in the street, and 3 go round behind the buildings. What happened to the 9th man?
Answer: I believe he is the one being chased by the townfolks, after the gunfight is over.
Answer: The man you see being shot at in the end was the man who ran off once the sheriff had the kid, and Baxter was going to kill him. So, just before the shooting started again, this man ran off away from Baxter. What you see the townsfolk shooting at is this man who ran off just before the end, where Baxter and the sheriff had the boy and were counting down.
Answer: I noticed this as well. The person shot at the end of the film is the same man that was with the sheriff when they were held in the jail. He was a deputy and did not ride in with the land baron.

Question: Is there another version of the movie? Because when I saw it on TV some scenes were cut or changed. It wasn't to remove swearing or anything, it was completely random, for example they cut Dave asking Buddy if he can eat Fiddle Faddles, and they changed Chuck's line "That's a letter I'm writing to Geraldo Rivera" to "That's a letter I'm writing to my father." This version is the version they use on the website Subzin, a website for finding movie quotes. Can someone please explain this version? What it is, how it's different, where it's used, etc.
Answer: It's really not uncommon for movies to remove bits and pieces when broadcast on TV. Movies aren't just cut for content, they're also cut for timing. (Ex. "Shanghai Knights" used to be absolutely butchered when shown on cable - there were entire scenes missing, which created glaring mistakes.) It's also not uncommon for TV versions or foreign releases to change or remove cultural references, or use alternate takes depending on the language used. Depending on where you live, it could very easily just be that the version you're seeing is one of these alternate versions that was then also trimmed down to fit a TV timeblock.

Question: How old are Lizzie, Gordo and all their classmates meant to be in the film?
Answer: In the TV show, they are 13-14 years old. Assuming this is after the TV show, and we never see Lizzie, Gordo or Miranda celebrating their 14th birthdays (we see Kate celebrating her '14th' birthday and Gordo celebrating his Bar Mitzfah a year late), Lizzie and Miranda are 13-14, Gordo is 14 and Kate is 15 (it is mentioned in an earlier episode that she was held back a year in Kindergarten.) This is only an assumption, due to the TV show.

Question: If Peter Pan says that the Lost Boys fell out of their prams and weren't claimed in 7 days so they were sent to Neverland. This would make them infants. Why then are they like 7-12 years old if Neverland doesn't make you age?
Answer: It's not that you never age, it's that you never grow up, i.e. pass into puberty and become an adult.

Question: I just loved the music. Can anyone tell me whether there's a soundtrack or anything, or who are the main performing artists?
Answer: There is a soundtrack to the movie which has two oscar nominations for best original song and a nomination for original score - go to amazon.com to find out the artist info.

Question: What is a "hook?"
Answer: A part of a song which grabs the listeners attention.

Question: The killer arrives at the farm in an old rusty truck which Maria stows away in with the captive Alex. Then from the gas station she follows the truck in the murdered station attendant's car, and both vehicles end up at the scene of the final confrontation. Yet at the end we learn that Maria is actually the killer and has insanely hallucinated virtually the entire movie. Can anyone offer any explanation of where that big truck came from in the first place and what the truth is about which vehicles were really present at the end and how exactly Maria and Alex arrive at the scene of their final confrontation?
Answer: It is impossible to know which vehicles were actually used, or even what really happened throughout the movie. The plot twist at the end of this film, while certainly surprising, was not very thoroughly planned out. It's almost as if the writer decided at the last minute to add it for no better reason than he couldn't think of a way to end the movie.

Question: The lady that plays Julia Stile's mother looks remarkably like Swoozie Kurtz. Any relation?
Answer: I can not find any reference to Joan Brandwyn's mother. I do not remember seeing her. Perhaps you are thinking of Mrs. Warren, Kirsten Dunst's mother in the film. She is played by Donna Mitchell. I have been unable to find a connection between the two.

Question: Is there a reason why we do not ever see the face of Katherine's boy-toy "Zeus"? Is the salary lower for actors whose face is not shown?
Answer: Zeus' face is not shown because the directors want to leave him to our imagination. Without knowing, he can be whomever we want him to be. This increases the credibility of her character as well since she is spontaneous and a free spirit with no "real" attachments. He is just like her - attainable physically, but not emotionally.

Question: Does Greit say yes when Peiter asks her to marry him? I couldn't work this out.
Answer: Obviously, since she married him in the end.

Question: When the start credits are playing, is it Renee Zellweger and Ewan McGregor singing?
Answer: No; Holly Palmer and Michael Bublé.

Question: If Erica arrived after Marin and Harry, why was she surprised to see someone in the kitchen? Surely she saw a car in the driveway. And where did that car go? It wasn't in any scene after Marin and Harry parked. Supposedly, they shopped for groceries and ate dinner the same day they arrived. Why did they change clothes so often? It seemed Marin had her black bathing suit on under her dress at the store but wore something different at dinner. Harry had three different shirts, Erica changed from a scoop to a turtleneck and Zoe seemed to put a sweater over her blue top while shopping but changed at dinner.

Question: Is it true that Lee was able to steal enough money from her victims to buy a house (or even just put a down payment on it?) I would assume she could only use cash, and it seems unfeasible that she'd be able to acquire that much cash from people's wallets without murdering hundreds of them.
Chosen answer: In the story it shows she does not kill every man. It is possible she had sex with multiple men without killing them and got more money (but maybe not that much) than just what she stole from the men she killed.

Question: What is the name of the Japanese song that plays prominently during the whole film, especially during almost all of the ending? It has both instrumental and vocal parts, and can be heard for the first time when Sandy and Hiromitsu make love.
Answer: I think its called "Chinsagu no Hana".

Question: How did Kate Hudson pay the cab fare after she left Mathew McConaughey's apartment, after she left her pocketbook in the apartment?
Answer: Evie was based off several people in Nikki Reed's life.