The Grinch: Those Whos are hard to frazzle, Max. But, we did our worst, and that's all that matters.

Truvy: Sammy is so confused he doesn't know whether to scratch his watch or wind his butt.

Ngoc Lan Tran: What kind of fuck you give me? What kind? American people, eight kind of fuck. Love fuck, hate fuck, sex-only fuck, break-up fuck, make-up fuck, drunk fuck, buddy fuck, pity fuck.

Gingy: OK, OK...I'll tell you. Do you know the Muffin Man?
Lord Farquaad: The Muffin Man?
Gingy: The Muffin Man.
Lord Farquaad: Yes, I know the Muffin Man. Who lives on Drury Lane?
Gingy: Well...she's married to...the Muffin Man.
Lord Farquaad: The Muffin Man?
Gingy: The Muffin Man!
Lord Farquaad: She's married to the Muffin Man?

Aibileen Clark: All you do is scam and lie to get what you want. You a godless woman. Ain't you tired, Ms. Hilly? Ain't you tired?

Rocket Raccoon: Metaphors go over his head.
Drax the Destroyer: NOTHING goes over my head! My reflexes are too fast, I would catch it.

Alita: I do not stand by in the presence of evil.

Herb Brooks: Red line, back. Blue line, back. Far blue line, back. Far red line, back. And you have 45 seconds to do it. Get used to this drill. You'll be doing it *a lot*. Why? Because the legs feed the wolf, gentlemen. I can't promise you we'll be the best team at Lake Placid next February. But we will be the best conditioned. That I can promise you.

Lloyd: What do you mean you don't bet? Wussy! Wussy!
Harry: I never have and I never will.
Lloyd: Yeah, right. I bet you twenty bucks I can get you gambling before the end of the day.
Harry: No way.
Lloyd: I give you three to one odds.
Harry: No.
Lloyd: Five to one?
Harry: No.
Lloyd Ten to one?
Harry: You're on.
[Lloyd and Harry both shake hands and smile.]
Lloyd: I'm gonna get you.
Harry: Nuh-uh.
Lloyd: I don't know how, but I'm gonna get you.
Harry: Nuh-uh.

Darth Vader: I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Peter Parker: I'm sick of Mr. Stark treating me like a kid.
Ned Leeds: But you are a kid.
Peter Parker: Yeah. A kid who can stop a bus with his bare hands.

Frozone: Honey?
Honey: What?
Frozone: Where's my super suit?
Honey: What?
Frozone: Where is my super suit?
Honey: I uh - put it away.
Frozone: Where?
Honey: Why do you need to know?
Frozone: I need it!
Honey: Nuh uh! Don't you think about running off to do some derrin' do! We've been planning this dinner for two months!
Frozone: The public is in danger!
Honey: My evening's in danger!
Frozone: You tell me where my suit is woman! We are talking the greater good!
Honey: I am your wife! I am the greatest 'good' you are ever gonna get.

Cal Hockley: You're going to him? To be a whore to a gutter rat?!
Rose: I'd rather be his whore than your wife.

Steve Rogers: Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?