Plot hole: Why would Matt sign over the rights to his pictures with Lucy, when he later tells Jenna that he hasn't believed a word Lucy says since High school? (01:15:00)

Plot hole: In the shot where two of the pirates find Jack Sparrow in the prison, you see the moon shine out over Port Royal and the pirate's hand around Jack's neck is skeletal. While this is happening we know that Elizabeth is being led onto the Black Pearl by two pirates. If the pirate in the prison turns skeletal, why don't the pirates with Elizabeth turn skeletal? It's clear that they don't as Elizabeth only discovers the curse later on aboard the Black Pearl.
Suggested correction: This can be explained that on the route from Elizabeth's house to the ship there is a lot of fog, smoke from fires and gunpowder explosions, so the moon doesn't get through. The moon only get through once they are underway again and the fog is cleared. The prison is much further and higher than the town and so the moon does get through (only sometimes) there.
You're very much mistaken. In later scene pirates turn skeletal when marching underwater, at the bottom of the ocean. Moon is easily able to get through water and this smoke isn't thick enough to block the moon.
How does water compare to fog? Of course the moonlight comes through the water, its transparent. Fog isn't transparent. You can go technical and question how much the moonlight is reflected away before the effect wears off, but obviously the effect wears off when there is no direct moonlight hitting them, as is the case with fog and smoke.

Plot hole: When Ann and Runaway are fleeing from the dinosaurs in the car, suddenly a fence flaps into the screen and blocks the ways of the running dinosaur. This makes no sense and is never explained, since none of Ann's friends or anybody else is anywhere around there to manage this, nor is the fence ever mentioned, nor is there any other (reasonable) reason that the fence would block the way exactly in this moment.

Plot hole: Mannie gives his boss the money in time minus the amount the homeless man used. What's to say he won't come looking for him later upon discovering the amount gone, see Lola's casino winnings, think his employee ripped him off then kill both of them before taking the money?
Suggested correction: The money that the homeless spent is not that significant. He can make up that amount by himself.

Plot hole: There is no way Anna could know that Hester was going to be at the auction. The circumstances that led to Hester and Tom being captured can't possibly have spread to the Anti-Traction League, they were immediately taken to the slave auction after being captured. Anna also instantly recognizes Hester when she sees her despite the fact that Hester was 8 years old the last time she would have seen her.
Suggested correction: Anna might have very well just been there to do anti-tractionist things, it was an auction made of towns after all a prime target to hit many options at once or hide bombs on for a bigger city to gobble up and go off later. Once she saw Hester her plans simply changed. As for how she recognized her, it is possible Anna had been tracking / keeping an eye on her. It wouldn't be impossible to ask around for a scar faced girl moving from town to town and might have gotten a pic somewhere.
These are all wild guesses that aren't confirmed by the film itself. They do not qualify as corrections.

Plot hole: After being hit with the spores, Cobra Commander cannot walk or even move very well with any speed at all. The Cobra minions have to drag him to their prison with the Joes and just leave him there on the ground after the Joes make a break for it. The Joes go quite a distance to engage Cobra. Road Block is delayed only a couple seconds behind the other Joes when he is grabbed, but knocks out the minion who grabbed him. Suddenly, Cobra Commander is at his feet telling him to wait because it's a trap. Later, Road Block has to carry Cobra Commander because he still can't move much. There's no way Cobra Commander could have caught up with Road Block to warn him of the trap. (00:52:50)

Plot hole: After Jade sees Jaspers transform, she flees and calls the cop Margolies on his cell from a pay phone. It's pretty unlikely that in her panicked state of mind she'd remember his number by heart, especially since he only gave it to her that same day.

Plot hole: The spell Magicae Maxima works, but it shouldn't have worked at all because there was one ingredient missing, the petrified spider.
Suggested correction: The spell works because Winifred believes it is a petrified spider. It also works because she believes that Billy Butcherson was her lover; which he wasn't, as stated several times in the movie: in the flashback scene, Billy mentions it several times to Gilbert, and especially when Sarah tells Winifred that Billy was her (Sarah's) lover, to which Winifred replies that Sarah was just a fling; so the spell can work with incorrect material as long as Winifred, as the main witch, believes it.

Plot hole: Towards the end of "The NeverEnding Story 2", Bastian's dad became aware of his son's adventures in Fantasia. Yet, in this film, he reacts to the news about Bastian stealing the NeverEnding Story as if he's never heard of the book before. Adding to that, he does not recognize the Auryn on his son's sweater nor does he know what it can do.

Plot hole: When Puss is being sent to prison near the end of the film a shot is shown of Softpaws effortlessly holding a golden egg with one hand. However, back in the giant's castle none of them were able to carry a single egg without help.

Plot hole: Although the errand bird always insists on the postage and even asks for additional fees for more than twenty words, he never gets any payment from the assigning characters.

Plot hole: Perhaps the biggest plot hole in the movie is centered about the reappearance of the Owsla officer Holly. Even if the warren was destroyed right after Hazel's band had departed, Holly would not have caught up with them right before the new warren at Watership Down - even with the delay at Cowslip's warren - with the additional detour in Efrafa, considering that acquiring the amount of information he got from its organization would take more than just one or two days. In addition, Richard Adam's novel, on which this movie is based, features the location of Efrafa some distance away from the down, nowhere between it and the Sandlefort warren (Hazel's and Fiver's home). In fact, Holly went to Efrafa (along with a missionary group of Hazel's band) some time after they had settled down in the new warren.

Plot hole: Michael Jordan is from North Carolina. If those were really his shoes, how did they make their way to L.A?

Plot hole: Every single one of the ronin are portrayed as being extremely lax with their most prized possession, their swords. When they first gather, one of the ronin tells Oishi "We do not have any swords", whereupon Oishi casually hand over his own. First of all, only the most poverty-stricken and desperate ronin sold their swords, as giving up one's sword was the ultimate humiliation for a samurai, it was a denial of both one's status and legacy. Secondly, selling your sword would mean never being able to be employed as samurai again, or even to be hired as a temporary bodyguard. Thirdly, swords were often inherited from one's father, or given as personal gifts by parents or lords, not something one would willingly give up. It is possible a few of the ronin would have been driven to selling or otherwise losing their swords, but not every single one of the 50+ ronin who gather. And those who still had them would be extremely loathe to even lend them to others.