Plot hole: The Chinese army displays a great variety of (often anachronistic) weapons and they spent considerable resources arming and reinforcing the Great Wall to challenge the beasts who have been plaguing their land every 60 years for thousands of years. but despite having records of magnets being effective against them, with magnets being well known to them for centuries (early magnetic compasses were available in the IV century BC, and the movie is set in the XI century) they made no use of that at all.
Plot hole: The Mummy would not know where to crash the plane in England to retrieve the dagger from the Abbey as this was placed there thousands of years after her imprisonment. If she did know it was there using her powers she would know that the stone was missing, but she didn't.
Suggested correction: Ahmanet did know where to crash the plane. She had the ability of sensing the dagger. Jenny even points out to Nick that Ahmanet knew where to find it. Ahmanet's powers are not fully explained but, since she could sense the dagger, she probably thought the stone was still with it but didn't know until she tried to stab Nick. Later, when the Prodigium agents find the stone, Ahmanet could not only sense it but, told Jenny it was found.
Plot hole: Superman (or Kal-El) was a baby when his parents sent him away from Krypton before its destruction, and as Jor-El told his son in his first message he would have already been dead by then for thousands of Superman's years. Kara never existed during any of this yet so somehow she instantly recognizes him from the poster on the wall, even though she should have no idea who he is.
Plot hole: Obviously, tooth fairies are real, in this movie at least. During the movie, Derek has to retrieve each child's tooth and put money under the pillow. He's paged as soon as the kid loses the tooth, since he often has to wait till the kid goes to bed before intervening, and he is required to do it as soon as possible. But parents are doing the same, and at one point in the movie Derek actually stops a dad that just did the swap and extorts the tooth from him. That of course creates a parodox: the majority of parents in the world apparently have been subjected for centuries to the freak occurrence of finding already under their pillows mysterious money and their children's baby teeth missing as they go do the deed themselves. You can't have both the fairy and the parent do the same task.
Suggested correction: This is part of the suspension of disbelief for holiday movies like this. Doing this means you would have to apply the exact same logic to every Christmas movie depicting Santa as real leaving presents for children when the parents would just see gifts appear they didn't leave behind.
I thought the same, but the thing is, it's all left to the imagination, for instance you can assume there's some "magic" that makes the parents forget everything and just assume they bought the gifts themselves even if they did not. If they meet Santa, it's considered a special deal, and its consequences are not shown, so it all stops here. Not here, here there are specific magic devices (a magic dust of forgetfulness exactly to erase memory of what happened, for instance) that in this encounter is not used by The Rock. So this movie is awfully specific about the interaction between the magical agents and whatnot, to the point that they need to erase their traces and not be spotted, but those rules don't make internal sense. Had they said nothing about it, I would have just assumed it was like every Santa movie as you mentioned, where it is not presented by the movie itself as an issue with contradictory solutions.
Plot hole: When the chipmunks finally release their first song, there is a montage showing the chipmunks rising musical success. In one shot we see a marquee promoting "The Chipmunks Premiere CD Release", and on it is a picture of the chipmunks in the clothes Dave has made them (note Alvin in his 'A' jumper.) However, Dave doesn't actually make the chipmunks these clothes until further on in the film. (00:41:50)
Plot hole: When Sully and Mike are talking in the toilets, during Boo and Sully's Hide and Seek game, Boo comes running in screaming and upset because she's just seen Randall, and he's not too far behind since all three can hear him talking offscreen to the CDA before entering the toilets, but how did Boo get to Sully faster than Randall without him seeing her, and how did Randall not hear her screams since they're all in the changing rooms which have an echo?
Plot hole: In one of the late scenes Logan is interrogated by the mainframe computer, and is guarded by two other sandmen. No one in the city is allowed to be over thirty years of age, yet the guards are at least in their late 30s or early 40s.
Suggested correction: How do we know how old they are? Just because someone may look like they're in their 40s doesn't mean they are. I have several friends and coworkers who look older than their actual age.
I also thought the guards looked old. Yes, maybe they were 29 but since they had a minimal role, it wouldn't have been difficult to go with actors that actually looked like they were in their 20s.
Plot hole: Near the end of the movie, when Mr Potts finds out that he's going to be rich (Mr Scrumptious wants to buy his invention) and he rushes out to his car to go see Truly, he meets her en route and she's got her hair in an really elaborate style and has changed. But there is no way she could have possibly got to her house, found out that her father had gone to see Mr Potts to buy his invention, changed her outfit, done her hair like that and gone out to see Mr Potts in the short amount of time between Mr Potts and his children dropping her off, and Mr Potts and her meeting at the pond.
Plot hole: At the end, Jake utilizes multiple Loops to reach September 4th, 1943, the date from which Miss Peregrine's children impossibly entered another Loop set in the winter at the beginning of 2016. The closest date prior to this was in 1942, from when Jake waits for September 4th 1943 to arrive. However, having entered a Loop in 1942, he would have been unable to reach 1943 because he'd be stuck living the same day in 1942 over and over.
Suggested correction: Is it possible he left the loop while in 1942? The movie doesn't directly address that idea.
It does address this, actually. He'd have reentered the true time period upon exiting the loop. I suppose he could have prevented the local ymbryne who created the loop from resetting it, but if he did, he'd have doomed all those peculiars in the process. Not something Jake would do.
Several of the ymbrynes had been captured. It is very likely that the one who created that loop had been too, so the loop would have closed, and he could've lived in that time period.
Plot hole: The wolves seem to conveniently make an appearance to further the story, only to disappear in other parts. They are there for Belle's dad at the beginning and Belle when she tries to escape the castle initially. When Belle's dad leaves the castle after Belle takes his place and when Belle is freed to save her dad, they are not there.
Plot hole: If the Medjai are supposed to be the guardians against Imhotep and sworn to make sure he never comes back to life then why weren't they in possession of the key that opened everything in the first place?
Suggested correction: Because it got lost in the centuries that passed. It's possible they don't even know every step on how the mummy can return.
Plot hole: Lots of police officers saw Santa flying at the end. This should've caused the world to accept Santa was real.
Suggested correction: From ONE location? Also, people wouldn't believe in Santa that easily.
Suggested correction: It should also be noted there were no cameras to capture the event, and not many eyewitnesses. Only a few neighbours and some officers. Even if these folks now believe in Santa, who's going to believe them? Folks they tell are going to think these folks are making it up, that their brain or someone else played a trick on them, or that they are mentally disturbed.
Plot hole: The plot that a piece of the Roman spear that pierced Christ ends up in a hidden Mayan temple in the Amazon (which is nevertheless still full of gold etc.) makes no sense.
Plot hole: At the climax of the movie, the bully reveals Link to be a caveman by among other things, breaking into the High School and stealing his student registration papers, containing among other refuse, the vaccination license of a dog. Problem is, wouldn't the school staff have already checked those at the start of Link's time as a student?
Plot hole: During the supercomputer's destruction, the 3 electrical probes that are sending lightning to the overhead pylons to draw electricity from them are no longer flashing. So where is the electricity coming from to sustain the computer's lighting system as the fluorescent tubes are still working?