Plot hole: Throughout the film, anybody who speaks English uses Modern English, with either a British or French accent as appropriate. However, 1357 was solidly in the Middle English period. Although that language would not be utterly incomprehensible to modern-day travellers, neither would it be indistinguishable as it was in the film. The film specifically draws the viewer's attention to language at several points, making suspension of disbelief impossible. The French speak French, and very few of them speak English. There is a scene in which Andre is talking to Claire, and her lack of knowledge of modern idioms makes the conversation difficult; that should be true for all characters at all times. If the historical people were talking alone among themselves, I could accept that they're being "translated" for us. But they're talking directly to the modern travellers - it's too jarring.
Plot hole: When the team plays back the record, it contains an extremely high-pitched tone which triggers the crystal sensors on the ship. But the speech on the record is low quality. This low quality would be the result of extreme frequencies being lost; but if they were, the trigger tone (a VERY extreme frequency) would be lost too. If the League's gramophones are capable of recording and playing such a tone, they should also be able to record and play back the speech without any quality loss. (01:09:05)
Plot hole: Even assuming that creating a manhole underneath your own feet Looney Tunes-style shooting a gazillion bullets around you through the floor is a better battle strategy than using said bullets to shoot at the three remaining wolves charging at you in the small corridor, said creatures don't suddenly stop existing just because you fell down one floor, making their complete disappearance - they do not give chase through the hole or stairs nor even make as much of an angry sound throughout the rest of the scene.
Suggested correction: I think this is more a stupidity than a plot hole. She could have escaped or defeated the wolves in any kind of ways, it's not a plot hole that she escaped by using a tactic that is illogical but not impossible.
I would absolutely agree about the silly tactic itself, but there were pursuing werewolves in that corridor, and for the remainder of the scene she just faces Lucian. There's no explanation why they don't come through the same hole, or take the stairs, or claw a hole through like they seemed to easily do in Michael's apartment.Not even a snarl: she drops one floor and they are...gone? So that part feels like a plot hole to me.
Plot hole: The truck was in front of all of them when they turned on with the green light, but it passes them when they are stuck with the red truck. So the crash happens moments past the light, so they would all be way past that point on the interstate.
Plot hole: In the shot where two of the pirates find Jack Sparrow in the prison, you see the moon shine out over Port Royal and the pirate's hand around Jack's neck is skeletal. While this is happening we know that Elizabeth is being led onto the Black Pearl by two pirates. If the pirate in the prison turns skeletal, why don't the pirates with Elizabeth turn skeletal? It's clear that they don't as Elizabeth only discovers the curse later on aboard the Black Pearl.
Suggested correction: This can be explained that on the route from Elizabeth's house to the ship there is a lot of fog, smoke from fires and gunpowder explosions, so the moon doesn't get through. The moon only get through once they are underway again and the fog is cleared. The prison is much further and higher than the town and so the moon does get through (only sometimes) there.
You're very much mistaken. In later scene pirates turn skeletal when marching underwater, at the bottom of the ocean. Moon is easily able to get through water and this smoke isn't thick enough to block the moon.
How does water compare to fog? Of course the moonlight comes through the water, its transparent. Fog isn't transparent. You can go technical and question how much the moonlight is reflected away before the effect wears off, but obviously the effect wears off when there is no direct moonlight hitting them, as is the case with fog and smoke.
Plot hole: Throughout the film we see several characters talk about how there's no Christmas spirit and how nobody believes in Santa anymore. If, in this universe at least, Santa does exist, it's almost impossible for people to think this. If the parents deliver the presents then how do they explain the excess gifts that Santa brings? We know that Michael is on the nice list because Santa shows him towards the end, so Michael must get presents from Santa. There is no way that Walter can't believe in Santa then because Michael gets gifts from him every year.
Suggested correction: Emily and Walter probably just thought each present Michael got from Santa was from the other parent. I'm not sure if Walter got him presents or not but you can see that Emily did as she's seen walking home with presents when she's on the phone with Walter.
That is highly unlikely. When my daughter was "believing in Santa" age, my wife and I always talked about what we were getting her, so we didn't duplicate. Plus that theory wouldn't work for single parents.
It is very likely because it's obvious Walter is not in the Christmas spirit like his wife and Michael are. Plus it's obvious Walter is not focused on his family at the beginning of the movie so it's safe to assume the original submission is correct.
Plot hole: When we first see Lara in her wetsuit, she has a back pack attached to her harness, a torch on her left shoulder, some sort of pistol-thing on her thigh, her 5-barrel dart gun by her left buttock and a little pouch in the small of her back. In the temple she takes off the pistol-thing, dart gun and backpack, yet after climbing the statue manages to produce a video camera, safety spectacles and a cutting/welding device from somewhere.