Plot hole: At the end of the film, we see Edward carving ice sculptures in his mansion. How did he get the ice up there? First of all, it takes place in a warm climate and I didn't see a freezer up there in the castle. He couldn't have gotten ice from town because firstly he had scissors for hands and couldn't have gripped the ice. And, even if by some miracle he could, he wouldn't be able to buy any from town because everyone in town but Kim was convinced that Edward was dead, she told everyone that they killed each other. And Kim didn't bring it to him because she told her granddaughter in the end that she never saw him again after that night. So where did he get that ice?
Plot hole: When Carl is helping Molly out after Sam dies, he manages to find Sam's address book in a box, which he needs to launder the money at the bank. So why does he need to convince Molly to take a walk outside so Willie can break in the apartment and steal it? Carl knows which box the address book is in, and could have easily stolen it earlier when Molly was not in the apartment.
Suggested correction: Carl couldn't have stolen the address book earlier; it's possible he didn't know where it was, and he had to use the visit as an excuse, or it's possible he knew where it was but was thwarted because Molly wouldn't ever give him a chance to steal it, since she wasn't leaving the apartment. And he couldn't steal it later, because Molly wasn't leaving the apartment. His only chance was to lure Molly away so that Willy could come in and get it.
Since he worked at the bank with Sam, he could, without raising any red flags, simply ask to copy a few numbers from the book. Also, while he was walking with Molly, how did he contact Willie and tell him to go in? They didn't have texting back then. And how did he not know Molly had come back, if she had been walking with him? Other than the obvious, fourth-wall-breaking excuse that he didn't want us to know he was the villain yet.