Plot hole: When Tarzan comes to the hotel to visit Jane, he overhears the bad guys threatening the hotel clerk into giving them Jane's room number. Tarzan then has time to go into the streets and study the hotel for a little while (coincidentally just when Jane happens to appear in her window), climb to the second story and through her window, have a romantic reunion with Jane and explain what is going on before the villains have managed to ascend the one stair from the lobby.

Plot hole: When Duke is being chased by the cop, Duke says, "But he won't know what to make of your blinker signal that says you are about to turn right. This is to let him know that you are pulling off for a proper place to talk. It'll take him a moment to realize he is about to make a 180 degree turn in speed. But you will be ready for him." Duke signals he is going to turn off to the right, but when he does, the cop turns to the left. (01:02:40)

Plot hole: Mannie gives his boss the money in time minus the amount the homeless man used. What's to say he won't come looking for him later upon discovering the amount gone, see Lola's casino winnings, think his employee ripped him off then kill both of them before taking the money?
Suggested correction: The money that the homeless spent is not that significant. He can make up that amount by himself.

Plot hole: Throughout the movie, Bladebeak works for the villains. But, during the climax, he becomes a good guy without any explanation.