Plot hole: In this film, the yeti is Sulley and Mike's co-worker in the Monsters, Inc. mailroom. But in Monsters, Inc., when Sulley and Mike are banished, they apparently don't recognise him.
Plot hole: During the final scare event, Mike gets a perfect score because Sully broke the simulator to allow the 6th scarer to get a perfect score no matter what. After the contest, the simulation resets and Mike pretends to scare the child in the simulator and it registers a perfect score on the scoreboard for the 6th scarer when it should really have registered a score for the 1st scarer, because the simulator had been reset.
Answer: Yes, the line "Mmm, I know, you're a princess and I'm just a stable boy..." is absolutely a nod to The Princess Bride. Though Billy's role, with all his genius improvised ad-libbing, is quite a bit more than a cameo.
Super Grover ★