Revealing mistake: The scene where Eugene Hunt is loading his weapon in the bathroom there is a very clear shot of him loading rounds and the primers on every round are dented. Indicating that the round has already been fired.

Revealing mistake: Early on, after Clary blasts the demon with a homemade explosion that blows a huge fireball across the kitchen and blasts out the window, there is no sign of anything being burned, not even the curtains. The kitchen is only in a slight shambles and there are small fires burning in isolated areas that never spread or char anything.

Revealing mistake: Towards the ending in the strip club, Locus is getting arrested. When it shows his hands being cuffed, it's not his hands but those of Charles in an earlier scene. You can tell because the person is wearing long red sleeves and a Rolex.

Revealing mistake: When Friar Tuck hits his head on an over-hanging branch whilst on his cart, it is really obvious his head comes into contact much earlier than the added sound effect and his eventual reaction would suggest. Plus the branch bends and flexes backwards an awful lot - it's not resistant enough to knock someone out as depicted.

Revealing mistake: Just before A-Wax kills the guy in the red sweatshirt, you can see the squibs bulging on his back, underneath the victim's clothing.

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Norton's wife is target shooting with the revolver, there aren't any bullet heads showing in the cylinder. There's also no recoil as she fires.

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Violet sings for Kevin for the first time, he starts to switch the lights off. Notice when he has turned off the lamps, the room is still very bright, but when he blows the candle out, the room is suddenly totally dark. That single candle could not possibly have lit-up the room and the characters the way it did, after the electrical light was switched off. (00:58:20)

Revealing mistake: When Slim and her daughter are running away from the husband they run onto a bus. When it cuts to the bus driving away you can see that Slim is holding a dummy, which is supposed to be her daughter.

Revealing mistake: When Tom Cruise and his girlfriend are visiting his former arch rival and now good friend, his wife calls Tom "Tom", not by his character's name.

Revealing mistake: At her wake, Rose blinks when Paul leans in to clean her face.

Revealing mistake: When Tommy is trying to bend the car door back you can see a wire holding the door in place so that Tommy can hit it as hard as he wants and it won't go back in place.

Revealing mistake: A horse gallops through a field and you can see a telephone pole.

Revealing mistake: When Wyatt Earp and the actress, whom he marries later in the movie, meet on horseback, they go on a fast paced ride that concludes after going down a steep hill. If you look at the actress' feet, you will see she is riding side-saddle - a very difficult feat considering the riding they do. If you look closely you can see her real leg, safely on the other side of the horse. The side-saddle leg must be fake.

Revealing mistake: During several of the driving sequences, the teenager in the driver's seat turns the steering wheel - but the rear screen projection keeps the car "moving" in a straight line. And it's particularly ironic in light of the movie's "big message" that the students here bear no resemblance to real-life teenagers in any real school. They're all slim, trim, athletic and model-gorgeous, as well as all-too-obviously not teenagers at all. (Because US child labor laws severely restrict the hours that underage actors can work, many films "cheat" by having youthful 20-somethings play the teens.)

Revealing mistake: After the accident with the German car crashing into the pile of snow in which the Germans were killed, Schaffer first hangs an MP40 on his shoulder and then somehow pulls up a body with only one hand. And with the changing of the grip, (from chest to legs) the 'body' stands on his own feet to give Schaffer the time and opportunity to do it properly. (00:50:10)
Suggested correction: Schaffer uses two hands to pick the body up his left hand grabs the body's right arm and his right hand grabs the body's tunic (under the body's chin).

Revealing mistake: Near the end of the film, there is a football game played between the rival MASH units. Although the game is supposed to be taking place in a remote location of Korea in 1951, late model 1960's automobiles can be seen driving on a nearby highway as the game progresses. This gave away the fact that the football scenes were shot at a university in Southern California.

Revealing mistake: When Lola screams and the glass clock smashes, you can see the small pellet that makes it shatter, go through the glass and then bounce off the wall. (00:20:40)

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Ronnie visits Brundlefly for the second time we see Brundlefly walking on the ceiling and wall, however his shirt doesn't remain consistent with gravity. This is especially obvious when he pulls his shirt up to show Ronnie his new tumor and then places it back down. The shirt appears to be being pulled up to towards the sky from Ronnie's perspective. (01:07:30)

Revealing mistake: When Melanie Griffith comes home from the jail, as she opens the door you can see there's no wall, it's just the door.

Revealing mistake: In the scene where David starts the game with Joshua, it asks him what side he wants to be (1 for the U.S. and 2 for USSR). Look carefully at the closeup of the computer screen - his choice, 2, appears long before David actually presses the key.