Revealing mistake: When Frank kicks the grocery store owner in the face twice his kicks miss by far.

Revealing mistake: When Cliff Booth is driving Rick's Cadillac, in some angles the speedometer is showing 0 (zero) as the car is driven down the boulevard.

Revealing mistake: When the Hårgas begin eating their meal after Dani is crowned May Queen, there is a shot of Dani just after the Hårgas pick up their knives and forks where she is looking over at Christian. Sitting next to her is a woman who cuts her food with a knife and fork, raises the fork to her mouth and takes a bite, but there is no food on the fork. She is just miming the actions. (02:13:15)

Revealing mistake: When Hamer goes to the gun store and obtains all of his weaponry, the gun counter guy and boy carry the weapons out to his vehicle. The weight of the weapons would be too much for one to carry all at the same time and the boy is supposedly carrying that large box of ammo, which would have contained over a thousand rounds, but he's carrying it like a box of feathers.

Revealing mistake: A major selling point of the movie is the CGI technology used to de-age Will Smith. The effect works for the most part of the movie, including scenes in daylight, but in the last handful of minutes, maybe because of the plain 'happy-ending' light used, maybe for budget reasons, the face of Junior is thoroughly unconvincing, with a dramatic drop in quality in textures and modelization. (01:44:30)

Revealing mistake: The sign with "everything must go" breaks a second before it hits Arthur. (00:02:55)
Suggested correction: The sign with "everything must go" breaks at the exact same second as it hits Arthur, and there is no point to make it somehow break by some weird special effect without any sense.

Revealing mistake: The film was rushed to theaters, leaving a few mistakes which Universal fixed. In the original cut, toward the end, Judi Dench's human hand is visible, complete with her wedding ring. This was fixed for the re-release.

Revealing mistake: Numerous times in the film the animals walk from shade into sunlight without their eyes reacting.

Revealing mistake: The dead housekeeper's body is moving its hands like it's alive after it's unwrapped out of the carpet.

Revealing mistake: The fire Steve made when he "traveled in time" back to the Ice Age was obviously fake (computer-generated). The logs were arranged like a teepee and the "fire" was contained to the inner sides - flames did not spread toward the outer edges. Moreover, the fire was built on top of snow/ice but there was no melting under or around the fire.

Revealing mistake: It was pouring when Adam, Hannah, and Megan got out of their SUV to talk to the Man and try to get help with the flat tire. As they stood there, no "rain" was hitting them and it became obvious that their partially wet-looking clothes were "pre-wet" - they returned to the SUV with the same amount of "wetness." Also, the rain was coming down in straight streams, all parallel. (The water flow appeared to be slightly angled to make the artificial "rain" look more natural).

Revealing mistake: The cement block section of the house by the front door that Greg was painting "changed" to a flat board for a short time and then went back to the blocks. (01:05:28)

Revealing mistake: A lot of the CGI was quite good and, even if not totally realistic, was interesting and exciting to watch. However, the man supposedly rappelling (or abseiling) down the mountainside was obviously not there - his feet didn't touch the mountain. (00:36:10)

Revealing mistake: When Phil approaches Michael's grave, water ("rain") has already accumulated only in front of the grave. When Phil is kneeling by the grave, streams of "rain" fall behind him and in front of him, but not directly on him. (00:25:03)

Revealing mistake: The structure/set-up of Richard's house (front view) doesn't make sense and can't be real. The half of the house to the right of the screen is at an awkward angle and has no windows. What little of the roof that can be seen is flat - not conducive to snowy Massachusetts. The bottom of the door to the right of the garage door is inches above the driveway pavement (elevated with no step). The deck wall to the right of the yellow door is higher than the door but the front rails only reach halfway. (00:03:25)

Revealing mistake: She is driving and puts her phone down, you can see that car shifter is in park instead of drive.

Revealing mistake: There's definitely more than one cat playing "Panda", but how many can't be determined because Panda's entire body is not shown at once. "All" of them (maybe a whole litter?) have various distinctive black spots on a mostly white body. Watch for the amount of black on a cat's face and whether or not the diagonal black fur on the right side covers the entire eye or only half and if there's a black spot toward the nose. Also, look for how much black is on its side, back, behind its legs, etc.

Revealing mistake: The camera holds on a close-up of the article featuring the 'Female President of the Network' Caroline Morton for 3-4 seconds, long enough to allow to quickly browse the text and easily see that it's a generic article about women in workplaces used as filler text and not the interview Katherine is reading. (00:03:25)

Revealing mistake: There is a large "Inglorious Basterds" poster on the wall of the building (to the left of the screen) when Roy and Betty stop at the bench along the sidewalk. The poster should still be visible when they resume walking, but there is a window in its place. (00:10:57)

Revealing mistake: The way the outside steps were constructed - a series of perpendicular boards with no side support - would not be able to hold weight. They would easily collapse under pressure. (00:38:53)