Revealing mistake: In the disco scene, the DJ is playing music, but the Pioneer decks and the DJ Mixer are not even turned on, as no lights are showing.

Revealing mistake: When they are burying the Swede on the beach, you can see him blink when they throw sand into grave.

Revealing mistake: As the grating descends on Raoul, in two shots, large bubbles are flowing downwards. It's obvious, the film was reversed. (01:59:15)

Revealing mistake: When John is stuck in traffic and he walks up to the other man asking if anyone was hurt, the guy looks behind John's shoulder as if the plane is coming right behind him. Then John turns around and looks right behind him as well. But the camera then pans all the way to the side to see the plane coming in before it crashes - they were looking in the wrong place.

Revealing mistake: Oprah Winfrey's character is supposed to be knocked unconscious, but as she is lying on the ground, the wind blows her skirt up and she reaches down, pushing her dress back down. (00:06:55)

Revealing mistake: When they're dancing on the bowling alleys, they couldn't be waving their bowling balls about as if they were made from foam - bowling balls are heavy!
Suggested correction: Bowling balls can weigh as little as 3 pounds.

Revealing mistake: During the final conversation between Detective Frazier and Arthur Case, Frazier holds up his hand with the ring on his middle finger. It is pretty obvious that the hand was inserted into the scene in post production; the hand doesn't move in a natural way and simply looks out of place.
Suggested correction: Really? I don't see anything unnatural in the hand's movement at all. Doesn't look at all obvious to me that it was inserted in post-production. After all, Frazier refers to "this ring." They will want it in shot so I'm sure they made sure Washington held it in shot.
Yes, really. Look again. Look at how it moves down and vanishes out of the frame. No human hand moves like that! They didn't have Washington hold it up for the shot and it was inserted later as a pickup shot. See this IMDB goof entry for more details: "During the final conversation between Detective Frazier and Arthur Case..." "a picture of a hand with a ring on the middle finger was inserted into the scene - first moving up into the shot, and then moving down off screen."

Revealing mistake: Utility poles are visible in the scene of the Japanese aircraft carrier launching planes for the first attack on Midway.

Revealing mistake: In one of Pickett's charge scene the bayonets are obviously rubber.

Revealing mistake: Near the end, as they approach LAX, the woman says there is nobody on the ground, that it's just the same as Bangor, but actually you can see a few cars moving on the ground.

Revealing mistake: When three of the turtles are playing Trivial Pursuit and Leonardo runs in to announce Splinter is alive, you can see a wire coming out of Raphael's shell. I guess it's for the animatronic head, but it's visible. (00:59:30)

Revealing mistake: When Homer placed the rocket on his fence and lit it his friend asked "Should we get behind somethin'?" That's when the rocket explodes. When you see them fly back you don't need to slow motion it because you can clearly see the wires attached to their backs.

Revealing mistake: When Holden is driving his Ford explorer, the speedometer reads that he's going 0 mph. (00:50:35)

Revealing mistake: In the newspaper that Tom Cruise is reading, the same sentences are printed over and over.

Revealing mistake: Near the end of the movie, after Jude Law has been shot, he is lying on his back with Nicole Kidman leaning over his face. In the shot looking up at Kidman past Law's left ear, you can see the webbing for Law's wig on his left temple.

Revealing mistake: When Vicky and Cristina arrive at Barcelona they walk towards the camera, and the people behind who are real passengers waiting for a taxi stare at the actresses and film crew and even take pictures of them.

Revealing mistake: Just after Aurora finds out that Jim woke her up, she runs around the ship. When she finishes the run, she comes across a dead end and the shot cuts to Jim sitting in front of CCTV monitors. If you look carefully, her movements on the middle monitor do not match the two either side of it - a badly-synced video rather than a live CCTV feed. (01:04:00)

Revealing mistake: When they show Heather Chandler in her casket in the funeral scene and everyone is praying, she's clearly breathing.

Revealing mistake: When the oldest son is being pursued by the unseen entity whilst the family is seeing the priest. You can see a crew member in green pants and brown shoes to the left as the camera perspective turns upside down.

Revealing mistake: When the Hårgas begin eating their meal after Dani is crowned May Queen, there is a shot of Dani just after the Hårgas pick up their knives and forks where she is looking over at Christian. Sitting next to her is a woman who cuts her food with a knife and fork, raises the fork to her mouth and takes a bite, but there is no food on the fork. She is just miming the actions. (02:13:15)