Revealing mistake: Near the end when Ace gets into his Cadillac, in the first shot facing the front of the car, there is a protective glass in front of Ace (the same width as the windshield) with the dashboard in between that glass and the windshield. Note the vertical edge of the glass is visible at the right side, and the rearview mirror's sticker on the windshield casts a shadow onto the second glass. During the stunt, the flames on the dashboard are between the glass shield and the windshield, keeping the actor safe from harm. (02:46:05)

Revealing mistake: After Wallace kills the Scottish noble in bed, he jumps out of the castle window into a river on a horse. As he is falling, you can see that the horse is a model and when they fall into the water one can see the fake horse bobbing around. (02:15:45)

Revealing mistake: Near the end, as they approach LAX, the woman says there is nobody on the ground, that it's just the same as Bangor, but actually you can see a few cars moving on the ground.

Revealing mistake: When Tommy is trying to bend the car door back you can see a wire holding the door in place so that Tommy can hit it as hard as he wants and it won't go back in place.

Revealing mistake: A horse gallops through a field and you can see a telephone pole.

Revealing mistake: When Craig (Ice cube) is in the bathroom with his father on the toilet and the camera pans back, you can see the father still has his boxers pulled up while he is on the toilet.

Revealing mistake: When Chris Tucker is found dead from an apparent heroin overdose, you can see him still breathing on the chair.

Revealing mistake: When Sam trips over in the cemetery, she falls onto Dear Johnny's cracked tombstone. As she pushes down, the 'tombstone' squashes under her hands. (00:27:25)

Revealing mistake: In the gun battle following the bank robbery, Drucker fires his shotgun at Cherrito. A female pedestrian in the background (apparently unaware she's in the shot) can be seen acting casually, without any reaction to the gun battle taking place.

Revealing mistake: Towards the end of the movie, Hockney (Kevin Pollak) looks into a van and discovers it's full of cash. He is then shot from behind, and blood splatters all over the money. When his chest explodes, you can see the plastic of the bag the blood was in. (01:18:10)

Revealing mistake: In most of the underwater shots you can see bubbles coming up from the cameraman.

Revealing mistake: At one point when the sheep are in a neat formation, you can see straps holding them still.

Revealing mistake: In the final 1/2 hour there's a scene in which Kevin Bacon is drifting weightlessly in the lunar module, with a roll of duct tape floating nearby. Just during the last couple of seconds of this shot, suddenly he & the roll accelerate to the right. As everyone now knows the zero-g scenes were photographed on-board an aircraft which flies free-fall arcs for up to about 20 seconds before having to level off. The sudden acceleration on the set means that shot was filmed just as the plane was leveling off from a dive. (01:53:40)

Revealing mistake: When the villain finishes his 1st appearance in the Pentagon's videowall (with the fake Eiffel Tower on the back), the screen turns black when he finishes his statement. However, when the camera turns to the Army men present, you can see the reflection of the villain's face on the glass.

Revealing mistake: After Richard has accepted that he will be king, he appears before a large assembly. Several of the soldiers standing by the walls are obviously plastic dummies. They have unnaturally smooth and blank facial features, and when you can see their hands, they are not grasping their guns, but merely holding their hands stiffly out with the gun between them.

Revealing mistake: When John jumps onto the tracks on his bike, look closely and you can see there is wood or some other material between the rails for him to land on. (01:20:20)

Revealing mistake: The fight scene between Peter Kurten and Andy outside the gay bar is viewed from behind a metal gate. Peter smashes Andy's head into the gate twice. The bars of the metal gate bend towards the camera as if they are made of rubber.

Revealing mistake: In the opening scenes, when the President is walking with Rothschild and his other aides, he leaves the building to walk to the West Wing. In this early morning shot, one would expect the sun to be the only light, but each actor has numerous shadows. (00:03:40)

Revealing mistake: You can easily tell that the snow in the end is fake.

Revealing mistake: After Nicole has showered and she is getting out, you can see that she is wearing underwear as she is stepping out, to protect her modesty.