Revealing mistake: When Troy says "I'll sing with her," Ms. Darbus turns around "in response" to his voice before he even says anything.

Revealing mistake: In the disco scene, the DJ is playing music, but the Pioneer decks and the DJ Mixer are not even turned on, as no lights are showing.

Revealing mistake: During the final conversation between Detective Frazier and Arthur Case, Frazier holds up his hand with the ring on his middle finger. It is pretty obvious that the hand was inserted into the scene in post production; the hand doesn't move in a natural way and simply looks out of place.
Suggested correction: Really? I don't see anything unnatural in the hand's movement at all. Doesn't look at all obvious to me that it was inserted in post-production. After all, Frazier refers to "this ring." They will want it in shot so I'm sure they made sure Washington held it in shot.
Yes, really. Look again. Look at how it moves down and vanishes out of the frame. No human hand moves like that! They didn't have Washington hold it up for the shot and it was inserted later as a pickup shot. See this IMDB goof entry for more details: "During the final conversation between Detective Frazier and Arthur Case..." "a picture of a hand with a ring on the middle finger was inserted into the scene - first moving up into the shot, and then moving down off screen."

Revealing mistake: In the first major battle between the 300 Spartans and the Persians, Leonidas is slaughtering the Persians and the speed of the scene goes from slow motion to fast motion, you see very realistic CGI blood. When the blood hits the the ground it suddenly disappears. This happens many times during this long and awesome scene.

Revealing mistake: When Costello's men drive off, after throwing Queenan off the top of the building, the state troopers are firing at the van. One back window is shot out, then in the next shot of the van the other window is shot out and then the same one is shot again so the one window is shot out twice in the same scene.

Revealing mistake: The film is set in 1997 the year of Diana's death. However there is a scene in where Tony Blair is being driven in a car and you can see a Mercedes through the rear window with an '02' number plate indicating a 2002 model vehicle.

Revealing mistake: When the truck leaps off the ferry, the underside is seen, exposing the still-flaming 'roll cannon' opening in the rear floorboard. This cannon is what caused the rear of the truck to rise, sending the truck flipping through the air. (01:52:30)

Revealing mistake: There is a scene just after when John is finally taken out of the rubble and you see the New York skyline with all the smoke in the distance. If you look closely you can see the smoke moving but the water of the river is completely stationary, indicating a still shot.

Revealing mistake: Watch closely when the first two 'slaves' run for their freedom amidst flying spears. When Jaguar Paw's friend (the chunky fellow) gets speared, it is a 'through the armpit' effect. When he's gasping for breath in the next shot, the entry of the spear is actually more in the middle of his chest.

Revealing mistake: When the children run along with the car waving, you can see a modern digi-watch on the wrists of one of the children, which was not produced during the 1970s.
Suggested correction: Without using slow motion of freeze-framing, how can you tell it's a digital watch? It certainly isn't clear on the DVD version.

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Tristan and Isolde have their first secret talk in the market, when the camera is on Isolde, you can see that she is wearing contacts.

Revealing mistake: When Cole's friend is being attacked by crows, Cole and his sister are driving. The car starts to skid and an above shot shows many skids marks on the road from previous takes.

Revealing mistake: Just as the bus begins to roll down the mountainside, cables are visible which were holding the bus in place. Most easily seen during the first complete rollover. (00:05:45)

Revealing mistake: When Gary and his friend are drinking Bud in the bar, the Bud label moves between shots to keep facing the camera. Gary doesn't touch the bottle.

Revealing mistake: The money that the two gang members are counting in the opening view of the hotel room scene is obviously fake. Notice how white the bills are, when they should be greener and have more of the random anti-counterfeit features. (00:02:00)

Revealing mistake: Near the end, when the captain is walking out of the labyrinth holding the baby, you can tell it's a dummy. The baby does not move in the slightest, you can't even see it breathe.

Revealing mistake: In the scene at Frankie's house, Vanessa panics when she awakens and realizes Frankie and the children are away. When they re-enter, Frankie is heard telling the children that the carton he is carrying is "ice cream for Mommy." Frankie asks to speak with Vanessa in another room and sets the carton on a table. The sound of the connection makes it obvious the carton is completely empty.

Revealing mistake: In chapter 14, Bill Cox calls Harry, who's asleep in bed. Harry answers his flip phone, but doesn't flip it open. (00:54:50)

Revealing mistake: When one twin (presumably Alfred) is removing the other twin's fingers, "Alfred's" upper arm passes through his twin's head as "Alfred" reaches for the hammer. [Fixed on DVD.]

Revealing mistake: At the beginning of the HBO broadcast, some brief clips of Mason "The Line" Dixon in action are shown. Look closely at one clip where he's wearing white trunks, and you'll see "TARVER" written across the front in big black letters, revealing, of course, that it's a real-life clip of boxer/actor Antonio Tarver.