Revealing mistake: When Friar Tuck hits his head on an over-hanging branch whilst on his cart, it is really obvious his head comes into contact much earlier than the added sound effect and his eventual reaction would suggest. Plus the branch bends and flexes backwards an awful lot - it's not resistant enough to knock someone out as depicted.

Revealing mistake: When Ricky is shot through the chest, the blood pack is visible bulging through his shirt. (01:28:30)

Revealing mistake: Towards the end when Vanilla Ice jumps the motorcycle over Nick's car, you can see the ramp he used through the car's windshield.

Revealing mistake: When Dani goes to meet Cort after dark to go swimming, you can plainly see it's daylight out because the sun is shining.

Revealing mistake: During the car smuggling scene where Van Damme is fighting on the boat one of the thugs slides/falls against the side of one of the cars. If you look closely, you can see the side view mirror on the car is made of rubber.

Revealing mistake: During the night surfing scene notice that the sun is evident in the background (look closely it does not appear long). There are also shots where you can see clouds and faint blue sky. Moments later you see Keanu and Lori sitting in the water with completely different lighting which was actually taken at night and further distinguishes that the surfing shots were not actually done at night time. I heard the scene was shot during the day with a filter so it looked like it was shot at night.

Revealing mistake: The fire engine often shows up on the scene without any hose in the hosebed (on back of the truck).

Revealing mistake: When Dolph is shot, Brandon says, "It went straight through," meaning that the bullet went straight through Dolph's body. However when it cuts back to Dolph later you can see the bullet has entered the heart region. In other words the heart would most likely be damaged and Dolph would have been dead. (01:09:20)

Revealing mistake: When Willard goes prawn fishing with Ben he helps him sorting out the prawns from the catch. However, even though he does this right after the net has been emptied out onto the deck all fish and prawns are already dead.

Revealing mistake: During the beginning, as the newspaper headlines roll, the small text in the articles is actually the same text repeating itself over and over again, something like: "an investigation issued."

Revealing mistake: When the crack house has been shut down and they're having a meeting to find out what went wrong, Wesley Snipes stabs one of the crew in the hand with a small sword. But the next shot (just for a split second) shows the sword in the table with his hand next to it, not stabbed. A couple of cuts later the sword has been pulled from the table and the apparent victim is in considerable pain. (00:56:00 - 00:57:00)

Revealing mistake: When Henry is out on the balcony and Sara comes out carrying a bottle of beer, Henry is leaning with his elbows resting on a ledge. It can be seen that there is some kind of pad or cushion on there because you can see it give when he moves. When they sit the beer bottle down on there the sound effects of one touching stone or concrete can be heard. That should not be heard if the bottle touches the pad or cushion that is on there.

Revealing mistake: When Richie shoots the random woman, as soon as he grabs her head and shoots her, it is clear that it's a dummy.

Revealing mistake: In the scene where John Goodman is facing off with the cops, the walls of the hotel catch fire as Goodman runs down the hallway towards the cops. You can easily see the pyrotechnic cord strung along the wall.

Revealing mistake: When the postman goes upstairs to see Julie with the package, he steps on the broken step and falls down the stairs. As he rolls down, the bulky outline of kneepads under his trousers is visible. (00:17:30)

Revealing mistake: When the dead padre is pulled across the ground he lifts his head (not to get hurt?), and when he is finally placed on the bench he blinks and breathes. One of the most most living dead I've seen in a movie. (01:30:00)

Revealing mistake: When Jack is being chased by the bear, at one point you can see a piece of food thrown into the shot to make the bear turn around.

Revealing mistake: There are brown pieces of paper that the brother has supposedly been writing songs on (when his sister is in the room cleaning). She picks up the papers and starts to sing, and he flips one of the pieces over as if they have writing on both sides. Only there is no writing on them, even though she is singing the lyrics he has written.

Revealing mistake: At the beginning of the film when a Judge is thrown out of the airplane, you can see a parachute is attached to him.

Revealing mistake: Thelma and Louise in one scene are driving at a very high speed with Brad Pitt in the backseat wearing a cowboy hat that never flies off, much less even moves with the wind.