Deliberate mistake: In the first bowling scene, all the lane numbers are backwards.

Deliberate mistake: Several of the matches Nacho loses, he should actually have won. In Mexican pro wrestling, it is illegal to rip another's mask off, and results in immediate disqualification. This happens twice to Nacho, both in the fight with the midgets and in the final against Ramses.

Deliberate mistake: Am I REALLY supposed to believe that a helicopter is capable of hovering above the top of Mt Everest? [In the DVD specials, the filmmakers say that they're absolutely aware that it's not possible for a helicopter to hover above Mt Everest. They just thought it would be a funny scene if a helicopter pulled the dead guy away from the mountain.] (00:02:15)

Deliberate mistake: After they have the towels on the girls, find the "I Love NY" shirts. They're wearing white bras when they shouldn't have anything on, considering they just took a shower.

Deliberate mistake: At the end just before the president is killed he fixes his tie, but it keeps on getting fixed to messed, to fixed, etc. Deliberate homage to "A Few Good Men", but worth looking for nonetheless. (00:28:15)

Deliberate mistake: During the ice storm, Hoke brings Miss Daisy coffee because he figured her stove was out. A few scenes before that they are frying chicken on a gas stove. Gas doesn't go out during power outages.

Deliberate mistake: Laser beams are normally not visible, except for a small dot where they hit a surface. Even if made visible, using smoke or dust or special glasses, they are thin as threads. Obviously something more visual was needed for Toulour's dance act, hence the thick beams of light.

Deliberate mistake: The 'NNN' news program shows a picture of some animal crackers in Frank's stomach. The problem is, they are still all in one piece and are pretty big. I don't think Frank would swallow them whole.

Deliberate mistake: Mr. Medulla said that Will stepped on his foot when he was walking to his desk. If you look closely you can notice that he stepped over his foot instead of on it.

Deliberate mistake: At one point they use a Red Ryder BB gun (Yes, just like in A Christmas Story) and the guy says "You pumped it more than twice, didn't you" to his female counterpart when they shoot the bird. Red Ryder BB guns cannot be cocked/pumped more than once, due to the simple nature of the toy gun that it is.

Deliberate mistake: During the sting attempt towards the beginning, Douglas confronts Snyder on the roof of the building. A helicopter rises up from nowhere without making any sound prior to that.

Deliberate mistake: Practically all movies incorporate the name of the movie within the dialog. However, they must remember the English language and tense agreement. On at least two occasions, Fishburne says "Come on Dodge, lets FLED." If they were so interested in incorporating the name within the script, they should have named the movie FLEE.

Deliberate mistake: In the prom scene at the end, there is a shot of a couple dancing with his hand on her rear-end. A counselor comes over and hits the boy's hand to make him move it. He complies, they kiss, and he puts his hand back when the counselor leaves. The camera cuts away to a different shot, and then returns to an over-head wide shot of the crowd. Down in the lower left-hand corner you can see the exact scene with the couple and counselor being filmed.

Deliberate mistake: Charlie's room has a hole big enough for him to climb out of in the ceiling. I know it is to show just how poor the family is, but we see he has only a thin wool blanket for warmth. He would have frozen to death in his sleep during winter by now.

Deliberate mistake: In the end of the NASCAR race, Tripp and Gordon get into a crash making Gordon spin, but he somehow is still able to come in second place even though every other racer was right on his back when he spun. He wouldn't have been able to regain that much speed in that short amount of time.

Deliberate mistake: When Carrie is hiding in the locker room to record John talking with his friends, it's clear that her camera is behind the vent, and the openings in the vent are closer together then the diameter of her camera lens, however we don't see the vent slats in the camera view or the replaying of the video footage in a later scene. Not to mention the fact that she isn't holding the camera steady. This is impossible.

Deliberate mistake: Main headlines in newspapers appear translated for each country for the kids to understand it, but the rest of the news appear in English, despite the movie taking place in Paris. Also, most signs -such as the poisons in the window shop- have labels written in English.
Suggested correction: By that logic, it's a mistake that the characters speak English. It's an American movie set in France, and like you said, it's a kids' movie. Everything is in English for simplicity's sake.

Deliberate mistake: In the scene where Forrest is describing his heritage, the clip of KKK on horses is taken from The Birth of a Nation. In this clip, you can see tire tracks on the dirt road well before automobiles were supposed to be in existence. Robert Zemeckis decided to leave this mistake in to perfectly match the clip to the original movie.

Deliberate mistake: During the movie, when Mulan is just a girl, you can see that her eyelashes extend beyond her eyes. When she is pretending to be a boy, her eyelashes are short (this makes perfect sense). But when she is in the medical tent her eyelashes are long even though she had no time to put on makeup. This is deliberate though, because without it she would have still looked like a boy, and just pulling her hair down wouldn't make her look any different (since that's how she looked in the pond). So they had to change her eyelashes to make her look more girlish.

Deliberate mistake: After Carmen rescues Juni on the boat/sub, he accidentally re-engages the autopilot and they submerge. In the next shot as two Thumb Thumbs jump off their speedboat, the name, 'Donzi', that is written across the side of the boat, is backwards. This shot is flipped. (00:24:10)
Suggested correction: Talour would need to see the beams in order to get through. I would attest that he let off a low grade smoke canister with a fine mist like a concert hazer to make the beams visible yet not trip a smoke fire detector.