Deliberate mistake: When Howard walks up to the front of the church he is alone. Suddenly, when his bride comes out, the best man, maid of honor and flower girl are at the front of the church. This happens despite the fact that the music flows and there was not time for the others to enter.

Deliberate mistake: When Cady is breaking the 'plastic' crown into bits and throwing the pieces to people in the crowd, it's not possible to have that many pieces from that one crown. She must give out at least 7 or 8 big chunks, which just doesn't truly reflect the size of the crown.

Deliberate mistake: When the police come into Max's office near the end, they force Franz Liebkind to drop his gun. Immediately after doing so, Franz cringes in pain, implying that the gun was dropped on his foot. However, the gun was dropped about 2 feet from where his foot would have been. It would have been literally impossible for the gun to have hit his foot.

Deliberate mistake: When the geek and the prom queen are driving along in the Rolls-Royce rebel yell scene, the close-up shot of them through the windshield shows a missing rear-view mirror. It was there when the geek pulled out of Jake's garage and it reappears later when the Rolls is parked in front of the house where John Cusack's character lives. This was probably a deliberate mistake by John Hughes so that he could get a better shot of the prom queen feeding birth control pills to Anthony Michael Hall.

Deliberate mistake: The turn count for Lisa's stay in the Cryogenic Sleep Chamber is off. The card reads she should be there for 5 turns. 'Turn' can either represent a single move made by either Danny or Walter, or a complete game cycle where both Danny and Walter have made a move. If we count the turns by player, it comes to 8 and she's awake 2 turns too late as it should have happened at the start of 6th. If we count both players' moves together as a start of a turn, then she's awake 2 turns too early as its turn 4 and not turn 6. It seems obvious from showing us the shower suddenly start up that this is the correct point in the film they wanted her awake, so it's unlikely she was actually awake off-camera during the Astronaut's arrival and we just didn't see.

Deliberate mistake: Right after Stevie and Marla attempt sex in his snowplow, the camera cuts to Marla buttoning up 3 buttons on her sweater which takes less than 8 seconds. However, in that same amount of time, making little or no sound to support his actions, Stevie manages to put on his shirt, zip up his pants, pull back up his coveralls, re-Velcro them closed perfectly all the way up to his chest, pull up and reposition the suspenders to the coveralls and be sitting calmly with both hands on his thighs when the camera cuts back to him. In less than 8 seconds, all silently and not moving the cab to the snowplow at all, no way. (00:32:20)

Deliberate mistake: The position of the head of Kim Jong Il's statue changes during the scene. (First time we see the statue in this movie, it's blinking and moving: it is a real person). (01:14:45)

Deliberate mistake: When Ringo sprays his assassin with orange juice, it doesn't reach as far as the sofa. But it still splashes over the inch-high Paul. Even if it had flown that far, Paul is on the far side of the sofa and the angle is impossible.

Deliberate mistake: In the last sprint towards the finish line, before they have to race on foot, the Lamborghini passes Fenderbaum and Blake. The red Ferrari they are supposed to be driving, is on the bed of a truck being towed. Notice the height difference between the two cars; about ten seconds later the two cars are pretty similar in height. (01:23:05)

Deliberate mistake: Slavo and Dragan are supposed to be Serbians but they speak Romanian.

Deliberate mistake: There is a huge security breach in the scene with Robin Williams and Christopher Walkin walking at night. The Security SUV limousine is more than 30 metres away from them. It should be pacing them in case of an emergency and be right next to them on the sidewalk. It appears the reason it is so far back is because at the camera angle the scene is shot at, it makes for a good background element which you would not see if the Secret Service followed protocol.

Deliberate mistake: When the platform Jackie and Rathbone are on falls, you can see a shot of a restraint snapping out of the floor. Two cuts later is the same shot, just flipped horizontally.

Deliberate mistake: When George spies on his hedonistic neighbor down the hill with his telescope, the telescope is always level when it actually should have been pointing downward. Same when his neighbor spied on him - his telescope was always level also when it should have pointing upward.

Deliberate mistake: When the poolboy jumps into the pool and turns into Jesus to save Mary, the movement of his mouth does not match his lines.
Suggested correction: Mary is hallucinating, so reality isn't really a factor here.

Deliberate mistake: In the lab, when Eddie is riding his motorcycle on the upper level in the wideshots, the stunt double is rather obvious despite the added padding, due to his slimmer face and non-chunky arms.

Deliberate mistake: When Jackie tries to avoid the Jamaican guy he jumps up to a higher deck. As we see him duck out of sight it takes him about 1 second to get to the other side and jump down there. However it's at least 40 feet to get to the other side. Jackie is usually fast but not that fast. (00:34:30)

Deliberate mistake: It is not believable that Charlene, the dangerous prison escapee, would seek legal assistance to re-open her case, and not be concerned about escape charges, in addition to freely being seen by many people.

Deliberate mistake: In the final battle where El Guapo's men are fighting the townspeople, look closely to see that they are really just fighting Lucky, Dusty, and Ned. When the towns people appear, their outfits are very different from the real Amigos.

Deliberate mistake: At the end, when the applause sign falls on Rocco's mom, it should stop working. (01:10:35)

Deliberate mistake: At the end of the movie when Gerry launches the go-kart in the air, all the spectators are about 50 yards away yet they are looking straight up as if the go-kart is flying above their heads.