Deliberate mistake: After they have the towels on the girls, find the "I Love NY" shirts. They're wearing white bras when they shouldn't have anything on, considering they just took a shower.

Deliberate mistake: Laser beams are normally not visible, except for a small dot where they hit a surface. Even if made visible, using smoke or dust or special glasses, they are thin as threads. Obviously something more visual was needed for Toulour's dance act, hence the thick beams of light.

Deliberate mistake: When Prince Hapi says that Monique should be his seventh wife, she says "you have seven wives?" and he confirms. Actually if she is supposed to be his seventh wife he only has got six wives by now.

Deliberate mistake: When Tom Hanks is picked up at the airport by a taxi, its license plate number is TX7943. Later when he is picked up at the Ramada Inn, he is picked up by a taxi with a different driver, different numbers on the top, but has the same license plate number.

Deliberate mistake: Old Weird Harold's pants fall down twice in the film. His boxers are different colors each time; once they're red, the other time they're blue. The director admits to this deliberate mistake in the commentary, siting his interest in seeing if people will notice.

Deliberate mistake: When Lazlo is hiding the dollar bill in the painting, look closely and you will see the scene is played backwards. Ashes from his cigarette flies back up and smoke from the cigarette comes down. (00:22:35)

Deliberate mistake: When Cady is breaking the 'plastic' crown into bits and throwing the pieces to people in the crowd, it's not possible to have that many pieces from that one crown. She must give out at least 7 or 8 big chunks, which just doesn't truly reflect the size of the crown.

Deliberate mistake: The position of the head of Kim Jong Il's statue changes during the scene. (First time we see the statue in this movie, it's blinking and moving: it is a real person). (01:14:45)

Deliberate mistake: Slavo and Dragan are supposed to be Serbians but they speak Romanian.

Deliberate mistake: When the poolboy jumps into the pool and turns into Jesus to save Mary, the movement of his mouth does not match his lines.
Suggested correction: Mary is hallucinating, so reality isn't really a factor here.

Deliberate mistake: When Bridget lands in the pigsty, the crew members are outside the sty, around three metres from her. Yet when we see the repeated shot of her buttocks in the studio, it is filmed as if she had landed on the camera or very close to it, and at an angle that would preclude it being a close zoom.

Deliberate mistake: The scene where Topher Grace is jogging on his treadmill in his apartment is reversed. His wedding ring is on his right hand. In scenes before and after, his wedding ring was on his left hand.

Deliberate mistake: When Madame Vandersexxx writes the safe word onto the piece of paper, she writes it way too fast and scribbly for it to be perfectly written as shown when there is a close up of it when Cooper is reading it.

Deliberate mistake: In the shot where the camera zooms in on the car, after they realise they are standing on a train track, it is obvious that the car would be hit by the train even if they managed to change tracks. The car's hood is parked right above the other track. (00:23:45)

Deliberate mistake: When Napoleon asks the school secretary if he can borrow the phone, she pushes the phone toward him but in the shot of Napoleon you can see the phone never actually moved from before he asks to borrow it to the time he makes the call. This is only seen on the full-screen version of the film. The phone is not visible on the wide-screen version because the bottom portion of the image is cut. (00:07:00)

Deliberate mistake: When it starts raining so that "things couldn't be worse" according to Seth Green, the younger fat hillbilly pulls out an umbrella. Why would he have one when he is trying to hunt someone down and kill them? This was obviously put in for comedic purposes but doesn't play well in the movie. (01:05:40)

Deliberate mistake: When Reese is looking at Starsky and Hutch's police profiles, his brunette girlfriend says, "Ooh, he's cute, the blonde", referring to Hutch. From the way she says it, it sounds like she's referring to the picture, however you cannot see Hutch's hair in the picture. She had not previously met Starsky and Hutch, either, as it was Resse's blonde wife that was in the room at the time. (00:28:40)

Deliberate mistake: When Tiffany is reading the self-help book for recovering addicts, there's a closeup of a page. While the headline for the chapter makes sense, the body text is completely unrelated and is about corporate work culture. (Likely just some generic free text the prop department copy/pasted into the book prop.)
Suggested correction: Talour would need to see the beams in order to get through. I would attest that he let off a low grade smoke canister with a fine mist like a concert hazer to make the beams visible yet not trip a smoke fire detector.