Deliberate mistake: It's not possible for Chance to have been able to launch the cougar off the cliff with just his own weight.

Deliberate mistake: In the final scene when the four cars are driving away there is a road sign that shows how many miles it is to Chicago (where the main characters are from). In reality there would not be such a sign because there is not one direct route from Vegas to Chicago. A typical road sign would show the nearest cities.

Deliberate mistake: During the bathroom scene where Jimmy is trying to get the key to unlock himself from the handcuffs after the little Asian boy had knocked over the garbage can, the toilet paper roll should have had the cardboard tube attached to it upon reaching Jimmy and should not have various pieces of garbage on it.

Deliberate mistake: There was no possible way for Edith to still be alive after the spiked coffin closed in on her. There are spikes on the doors and at the very back and sides of it, and she couldn't have squeezed in to brace herself. Probably done for obvious reasons, but still a mistake nonetheless.

Deliberate mistake: When John and his sister Patty are watching the old videos, it shows John saying that he would pay for his niece's college education and the camera is showing them from the side. John says "And that's a promise from your uncle John." and the camera is in front of him showing his face. There is no way they could change camera angles like that in a home movie.

Deliberate mistake: The theatre is said to have been closed down "years ago". But all the theater props are still there, and the place shows no sign of disuse, it is not even dusty anywhere. The electricity and water are also still hooked up and functioning.

Deliberate mistake: In the beginning, when the two black workers are using the handcart, they bend their arms as they crouch down to give the illusion that they are slipping into the quicksand. (00:06:30)

Deliberate mistake: When young Becca picks up the drawing that young Seth made, in the first shot, as she flips it over to look at it, you can faintly see the pen-marks through the paper, and they are not the same as in the following close-up shot, when we see the actual drawing. In the first shot, they seem to be a grouping of rectangular shapes, whereas in the second shot, it is obviously a large drawing of a penis. They had to use different pictures due to child labor laws that wouldn't permit the young actress from seeing the actual picture, and so a hand-double was used for the close-up shot. (00:17:15)

Deliberate mistake: Smoke from a smoke machine smells very acrid, is standard temperature and would never be confused with hot steam from a shower. The man with the knife would have suspected something is wrong once he was in range to smell and feel the "steam". (00:26:35)

Deliberate mistake: When Shorty is showing Cindy some moves and they are doing the "Right, left, right, left" move, you can see three people walking right behind them. Then, suddenly, the people are gone without the scene being cut. The director has simply just overlapped the scenes while they are doing the moves. (00:08:40)

Deliberate mistake: While recon platoon is marching in their modified pt uniform, Gunny has "Cojones" call a cadence. Meanwhile Sgt. Webster maintains control of his formation, but from the wrong side. No platoon leader ever marches their unit from the right side of the formation.

Deliberate mistake: When all the thumbs are at the wall saying "I'm the king of the globe" and "I'm a dentist" you cannot see their legs, so that saved some costume work.

Deliberate mistake: When Al is looking through the binoculars, Steve's Yankee logo on his jersey is on the wrong side. (01:25:00)

Deliberate mistake: Grug's loin cloth gets ripped by a lion at one point. The rip magically fixes itself just moments later. (00:53:15)

Deliberate mistake: After our heroes jump from the plane.as they are landing their parachutes the each come to a soft standing landing. if you jump with a standard Dash 1 Bravo parachute (which none of them had) your landing is similar to jumping from 14 feet high with no chute: you hit like a rock and collapse (the Parachute Landing Fall or PLF) They were all using stunt parachutes of a type that was unavailable in 1968.

Deliberate mistake: Whenever O.J. the owl is flying, there is the sound of wings flapping that sounds almost like a chicken flapping its wings. The flight of an owl is almost silent.

Deliberate mistake: At the start of the film when the commentators are explaining the tie situation between the 3 cars the green arrow to the car is out of alignment and misses the car, instead pointing at the track. Pixar Creative Director, Jay Ward, who is this film's team manager (as well as art coordinator) has stated that this was deliberately done as a joke, for fun. It's a little bit off, in the same way that Chick Hicks is a little bit off. This is the video with Jay Ward explaining: https://youtu.be/ZkJre-eC-zE?t=25.
Suggested correction: If this was deliberately done for a joke, shouldn't this be under trivia? It just doesn't make sense to me that this would be a mistake if that was the entire point of it. I remember that this entry used to have a correction explaining that it was done for a joke, and the actual mistake didn't state this originally.

Deliberate mistake: Even if the kids split up on the water slide, only the last two fell out of sequence. Mikey exited first followed by Mouth, and Stef, but then Brand fell before Andy, he should have been last.

Deliberate mistake: The lake that the girls splash about in is very shallow, as they easily stand and play in it. Roberta does a head-first dive from a high tree, into it. There's no chance she wouldn't have hurt herself. (00:32:35)

Deliberate mistake: David spots the boat with the old folk on and runs around the harbor, down the jetty and jumps towards the dive boat as it leaves the jetty. He doesn't jump very high and you can see he would miss the rail on the boat. In the next shot, a (larger) stunt double is shown leaping high in the air onto the boat and, of course, catches the rail.