Deliberate mistake: Ash's car breaks out into the courtyard and the whirling, windmill thing batters the Deadites aside. We see the carnage a couple of times filmed from different angles, one Deadite, planted, legs apart, gets battered twice and the guys who come in from the left and are quickly jerked off screen are shown again seconds later.

Deliberate mistake: The mystery begins as Winston points out the postmark on the envelope that Dan receives, it is too faint to see where it's from. But whenever we see a close up of the envelope, there is no postmark at all.

Deliberate mistake: On Carolyn's first day, the scene is set by showing the exterior of a large square office building supposedly in Detroit, but when she is riding up the exterior elevator, it is obvious that the building outside is the Bonaventure in Los Angeles.

Deliberate mistake: At the end of the movie Rocketman shows his lady friend a space blanket, out of which he states he made something: ballroom dancing outfits. The difference in the material is just too obvious for this not to be a deliberate mistake. The outfits aren't the slightest bit related to the foil they were supposed to be made of.

Deliberate mistake: When Bridget lands in the pigsty, the crew members are outside the sty, around three metres from her. Yet when we see the repeated shot of her buttocks in the studio, it is filmed as if she had landed on the camera or very close to it, and at an angle that would preclude it being a close zoom.

Deliberate mistake: Below deck aboard the Pearl, when Will says, "You make your choices in life ," and later, when Elizabeth and Will are on the beach, Elizabeth's eye makeup and curled up lashes are very apparent in her close-ups.

Deliberate mistake: When Ralph and Vanellope are practicing driving, Vanellope loses one of her upper teeth. The tooth magically reappears again for the rest of the movie. (00:57:30 - 01:20:20)

Deliberate mistake: The shot of Ardeth and his companions watching Rick leave Hamunuptra at the start of the film is reused again when Rick, Evie, Jonathan and the Warden re-enter Hamunuptra, although the reused shot has a blue filter over it. Ardeth even says exactly the same line he says in the original shot, but it is subtitled differently.

Deliberate mistake: When Ed's looking at the drawings done by the sketch artist near the start, he's flipping over a book of them. Trouble is that they all end up facing the camera, meaning that Ed must have been looking at the blank side - we see the blank pages briefly as he flips them. (00:14:30)

Deliberate mistake: When Leota is in the front seat of the automobile, the air bag is still full. Air bags will deploy and then immediately deflate to prevent people (or women in crystal balls) from being trapped. (01:10:45)

Deliberate mistake: The elevator operated by gremlins starts ascending at around 5 stories per second, based on the floor readings. Yet when the elevator suddenly stops dead, Kate does not fly into the air caused by the huge speed change. (00:50:05)

Deliberate mistake: When Beck and Travis dive off the road and roll down hill, their stunt doubles are quite noticeable in many of the shots down the hill. (00:26:35)

Deliberate mistake: When the lady is supposedly in the water with the crocodile, you can see that it isn't her. It is actually Steve in a fat suit and wig.

Deliberate mistake: The window blind in Maroon's office changes to a sheet of tambour (as found in roll-top desks) just before Roger crashes through it. This was to ensure his outline remains perfectly in it, otherwise pieces would drop out which are not attached to the strings on either side. (00:23:25)

Deliberate mistake: When you see one of Pascal's henchmen turn off the power, he is wearing a black suit. In the reflection of the glass on the power box, you can see 'Police' written on the jacket. The filmmaker chose this suit because it was black, thinking no one would see the police logo on it.

Deliberate mistake: In the opening title sequence, just after the title of the movie is shown, Puss cuts a P with his sabre into a curtain or flag. In the middle of the P, there is cloth remaining, but since he cuts edges all around this to make the Capital P, this cloth should fall away as it is no longer attached to anything, yet it floats in mid air.

Deliberate mistake: When the vortex is summoned to get rid of the monsters, other things get sucked into it. Cars, trees, light poles, other police officers. However other things or people who are more accessible do not get sucked in. For example, Phoebe hiding behind a bench, the bench itself, Phoebe's mother and a few cops hiding behind a cop car, etc.

Deliberate mistake: In the very first scene, with Dave, Gaz and Nathan in the abandoned steel works, they only have one girder, but when they're on the car in the middle of the canal, they have two: one balancing on the car roof, and the one Nathe walks across.
Suggested correction: There's been a time skip between the two scenes. They found another girder and took that one as well.

Deliberate mistake: In the final battle at the end, Mark Loftmore enters the back room where we see Mr. Lincoln leaning over the body of an older man with a red jacket whom Lincoln has apparently just shot. This same man later appears in the background of at least one shot of the general melee taking place outside in the gallery.

Deliberate mistake: There is no way Ichi's blade could have cut the one man vertically in half, as shown in the movie. The blade is only a couple of inches long, not nearly enough to slice through the man. When we see the blade shooting through the back of him, it is obviously a different, longer blade.