Other mistake: In the captions at the end of the film, describing what happened to Alan Turing between the end of the war and his arrest, his name is spelt 'Touring'. In the next caption, it is spelt 'Turing'.

Other mistake: In the ending credits of this movie, it says "Cast (in order of appearance)" and the first character to be mentioned is Rose, whereas, in the beginning of the movie, Dorothy is the first one on the screen, and, the first person who talks.

Other mistake: During the murder in the stairwell, an old woman opens her apartment door outward, and Varg kicks it shut. Apartment doors always open inward, as did Euronymous' apartment in the same building.
Suggested correction: Euronymous' apartment door opens outward into the hallway, at least in the final scene it does when he's trying to get away from Varg.

Other mistake: After a month of suspension, James can finally sell again The Big Issue. The issue he carries in the street though, is issue 1174, from early October 2015. Besides the anachronism, the first issue he was selling, well over a month before, was number 1175. (01:16:00)

Other mistake: When they pull the wooden stake out of the pilot's leg, there is no blood on it. (00:10:45)

Other mistake: After the failed invasion of Russia, the narration says out of the "600,000" that went into Russian, only 40,000 returned. That means 560,000 died. However at the end of the movie, Napoleon's losses are listed, the last one being "Invasion of Russia" where the dead are listed as "460,000" which is 100,000 off. (01:51:18 - 02:28:16)

Other mistake: In the movie it is said that they're going to fly from Port Charlotte to Detroit, then drive to a meeting and back in three hours. Port Charlotte is in Florida. That timeline would be impossible. They meant Port Clinton Michigan.
Suggested correction: They never said Port Charlotte.

Other mistake: Louella Parsons walks out of a screening of Citizen Kane before it ends, but later tells Hearst that Rosebud was Kane's sled. She shouldn't know that, because the identity of Rosebud is only revealed in the final scene of the movie. And if she disliked the movie enough to walk out on it, it's improbable she went to see it a second time.

Other mistake: Assange and Berg are talking to each other on Skype, and we see Assange and the view of him on Berg's screen at the same time. Even allowing for a delay, the orientation of Assange's head and his mouth movements don't correspond with those on screen. (00:29:40)

Other mistake: Tony Clifton comes on the 'Taxi' stage accompanied by two prostitutes. He introduces one as Melonia, squeezes her breasts and asks 'how is our produce department?' The German subtitles read 'production department'. (00:44:25)

Other mistake: After seeing Joe Montana play in Super Bowl XIX, young Kurt said, "I knew I wanted to be that guy." When he goes outside to pass the football, young Kurt has "Warner 13" on the back of his jersey - not Montana's #16 but the #13 that he could not know in advance that he would eventually wear during most of his adult career. (Jersey numbers are not necessarily that available for a player to have his pick). (00:02:02 - 00:02:33)
Suggested correction: This is trivia at best, certainly not a mistake. While it's true he wore #12 in high school, there's no reason he couldn't have liked #13 as a child. And, many key position players do get to pick their number, from the available range, which Kurt certainly did.

Other mistake: The effects of a stroke are unilateral, and the movie shows his right eye affected, but the facial droop is shown on the left side. This wouldn't happen. The droop would be on the same side as the eye.

Other mistake: During the ending US Supreme Court scene right before Alan Isaacman proceeds with his opening statement, Larry Flynt can be seen standing up instead of in a wheelchair. (01:55:53)

Other mistake: In the scene where Margaret is wearing a bright-blue dress and a woman is sewing a button onto it while about six men stand around and wait, the woman finishes sewing the button on, but keeps on going, even though it's fixed. The whole thing takes ten times longer than it should.

Other mistake: Travers arrives in Los Angeles and is seen at the airport and the hotel a short time later with just a small suitcase and a smaller carry-on bag, yet she has far too many clothes-suits, dresses, skirts, sweaters, blouses, sleepwear, shoes, and other accessories-than could possibly fit in them. She is seen leaving L.A. with an additional suitcase, but the third one appears to be one that is just used for carrying the big Mickey Mouse stuffed toy she takes back to London.
Suggested correction: There's nothing saying that she had to have taken all those clothes with her. It's possible that she had more clothes sent on afterwards. Maybe the extra clothes belonged to the hotel/studio etc. Maybe they were rented. Who knows? Just because it's not explained, doesn't make it a mistake.

Other mistake: In the scene in the KNX broadcast studio, a shot from the engineer's point-of-view shows VU meters with their needles not moving, even though Bob Crane is talking.

Other mistake: When Otto Preminger calls Trumbo from his car to announce that Trumbo's real name would be credited for Exodus, Preminger tells him to look at the front page of the New York Times. The problem is that Trumbo has already picked up the paper from his counter and is reading before Preminger even tells him which newspaper features the article.

Other mistake: Early on, the Babe is seen showing up late at a game in Boston, staggering hung-over to the plate, and hitting a home run. But this was a home game; it would have been the bottom of the first, and if Ruth hadn't been there by game time, some other player would already be playing in his place.
Suggested correction: By the time Babe Ruth played, substitutions were allowed at anytime. Thus, when Ruth showed up late and batted in the bottom of the 1st, he became a substitution for whomever was playing his position during the top of the 1st.
The manager tells the guy who is about to go up to bat to sit down because Babe's here. So Ruth would be pinch-hitting.

Other mistake: The designer asking Khrushchev about what type of curtains they should have for the funeral. He first says "ruched" for the sample in his right hand and "not ruched" for the left. He then continues, but instead says "not ruched" for the right hand sample and "ruched" for the left. (00:59:30)

Other mistake: It isn't clear if the poster of the Solar System outside the school was cut off on the right, showing half of Neptune, or if the ninth planet at the time (Pluto) was accidentally omitted. IF the poster was supposed to be complete, its exclusion of Pluto would be an error for the time period (1969) because Pluto was not downgraded to a "dwarf planet" until 2006. Perhaps, only half of Neptune was shown in order to not have to address the changed status of Pluto, making this a deliberate mistake. (00:32:36)
Suggested correction: Neptune isn't cut off, it shows as a complete circle on the "poster" (looks more like a board).