Other mistake: After Jesus is taken down from the cross, he blinks for a moment.
Other mistake: In the battle at Gaugamela scene where Cleitus jumps off his horse to help Alexander in the battle, Cleitus is seen cutting the head off a barbarian and throwing it at another. Two seconds later he is seen swinging that same head back and forth.
Other mistake: When Burn and Elvis get to Memphis, Elvis says they are there for his birthday, but earlier in the movie he states he has to be in Memphis for the 16th of August, which is the anniversary of the day Elvis died. His birthday is January 8th.
Other mistake: When Henry and Lefroy strip off before going swimming, they enter the water wearing their boots, however their trousers have been removed despite there not having been time for them to remove them and replace the boots.
Other mistake: During the film the narrator states: "He also had a condition that was referred to as "granulated eyelids" and it caused him to blink more than usual as if he found creation slightly more than he could accept." However, this never occurs once in the movie and in fact the opposite happens, Jesse stares into space hardly blinking throughout the entire film.
Other mistake: There is a scene where Miss Potter is in the Lake District beside a lake drawing. Across on the other side of a lake there is a red car driving along the road quite fast. This is in the cinema version.
Other mistake: When Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill are on the sinking yacht with their wives, DiCaprio is holding his wife but you don't see Hill's. Nor do you see her on the Red Cross boat.
Other mistake: Rudy continually checks the roster to see if he made the dress list. The captain of the team is Roland Steele; the first one to visit the coach about giving up his jersey for Rudy. Every time Rudy looks at the list he scans past the last names for "S" where you should see Steele, Roland. Steele doesn't appear on the dress list yet he dresses every game. Stock, J. (Capt.) appears on the list, so Steele should too.
Other mistake: When Doolittle is running his jeep up the muddy hill near the beginning, the landscape changes. The hill is a straight 40° angle, but in the close shots behind the wheel, it changes to a steep 80° which no vehicle could realistically terrain, except perhaps an army tank. And he stalls out several times and has to back up, which would not happen at the 80* steep. Then he miraculously makes it over the top.
Other mistake: When Tony and Dr. Shirley are driving in a snow storm, in the view from the front of the car, the wipers seem to pass behind the snow on the windshield, and the blades appear longer than the area cleared. It's almost as if the snow was added on later in post-production. It's most noticeable if you look at the tips of the wipers as they approach the tip of the snow on the windshield. (01:51:35)
Other mistake: The bank clerk with the grey hair, offering the cigarette and sitting back is supposed to work in "the late 70's" according to the narration. Surprised to see him again in the audience (front right) of the panel discussion on March 14, 2008, some 30 years later, looking not a year older. (00:01:35 - 01:53:40)
Other mistake: Ritchie's 1950's Fender guitar amp looks like it would have looked in the 1980's when it should have only been a couple of years old in the movie.
Other mistake: The navy bombardment opens fire and there are huge explosions. When they attack from the ropes they walk at least 50 yards with no craters, just flame and smoke. Awfully big guns for no holes in the ground .
Other mistake: Just before the ending credits, this statement appears: "He was buried with full Christian honours, in Westminister Abbey." Perhaps the extraneous comma in that sentence might not be as noticeable if Westminster had been spelled correctly. (01:38:15)
Other mistake: Tony Clifton comes on the 'Taxi' stage accompanied by two prostitutes. He introduces one as Melonia, squeezes her breasts and asks 'how is our produce department?' The German subtitles read 'production department'. (00:44:25)
Other mistake: In the scene where Margaret is wearing a bright-blue dress and a woman is sewing a button onto it while about six men stand around and wait, the woman finishes sewing the button on, but keeps on going, even though it's fixed. The whole thing takes ten times longer than it should.
Other mistake: Early on, the Babe is seen showing up late at a game in Boston, staggering hung-over to the plate, and hitting a home run. But this was a home game; it would have been the bottom of the first, and if Ruth hadn't been there by game time, some other player would already be playing in his place.
Suggested correction: By the time Babe Ruth played, substitutions were allowed at anytime. Thus, when Ruth showed up late and batted in the bottom of the 1st, he became a substitution for whomever was playing his position during the top of the 1st.
The manager tells the guy who is about to go up to bat to sit down because Babe's here. So Ruth would be pinch-hitting.
Other mistake: During the ending US Supreme Court scene right before Alan Isaacman proceeds with his opening statement, Larry Flynt can be seen standing up instead of in a wheelchair. (01:55:53)
Other mistake: When Otto Preminger calls Trumbo from his car to announce that Trumbo's real name would be credited for Exodus, Preminger tells him to look at the front page of the New York Times. The problem is that Trumbo has already picked up the paper from his counter and is reading before Preminger even tells him which newspaper features the article.
Other mistake: In the scene in the KNX broadcast studio, a shot from the engineer's point-of-view shows VU meters with their needles not moving, even though Bob Crane is talking.