Other mistake: Recreated newsreel of a trip to Japan by Moe Berg before Pearl Harbor attack shows copyright date of MCMXLIV (1944) in the lower left corner, 3 years after the attack. (00:16:25)

Other mistake: When Nash is put into the car and is being taken away to the hospital, there is a line of people watching him drive away. Two of the spectators are the imaginary roommate and the little girl. They are standing in front of rest of the spectators. As the car is driving away you see a female student look around the imaginary roommate to see the moving car. If the roommate can only be seen by Nash why did she need to look around the roommate to watch the car drive away? (01:08:30)

Other mistake: The closing captions state that Chris McCandless' sister Carine flew "his" brother's ashes home, instead of "her" brother's ashes.

Other mistake: In Wilson's Congressional office, the Texas flag on his left is mounted upside down. The white panel belongs on the top of the flag, not the bottom.

Other mistake: When in the tub in Arkansas, Wyatt is bare chested. In bed with Josie he's suddenly sprouted a lush garden of chest hair.

Other mistake: After the shoot out at night the American forces are faced with a group of hostile locals, and the team are told to pull out and get in the vehicles. As they drive off we see a back shot of them sitting on the back of the one of the vehicles, but on the right hand side you can see a backpack and part of an American soldier, did they just leave him? (01:12:50)

Other mistake: When Robert the Bruce returns to the battlefield at Falkirk, there are 2 children supposedly crying over a loved one. If you look at the blonde girl she is actually laughing. (02:12:00)

Other mistake: When Rocky is in the funhouse looking at himself, he appears to look relatively "normal". But it's very obvious that it's got nothing to do with the mirror, and more to do with the removal of a lot of makeup. For example, Rocky usually has almost no nose, but in the mirror he has Eric Stoltz's very well developed nose.

Other mistake: When Joan is cutting up her rose garden, she is ranting and raving about how mad she is at Mayer, and how they're calling her box office poison. But if you look closely at her lips, they aren't moving.

Other mistake: When Malcom X walks out on to preach before he gets shot, you can clearly see the podium with the bullets in it and chipped from the guns before he gets shot.

Other mistake: The documents to which the Imperial Seal was stamped at both the coronations in Peking (1908) and 'puppet' coronation in Manchuria (1934) carry the same dates. They also show the same 'coronation names' when it is known that Puyi was coronated as 'Xuantong' in Peking and 'Kangde' in Manchuria. This will only be apparent if one can read Chinese. (00:14:45 - 01:47:40)

Other mistake: The Sydney harbor scenes have the backdrop of the opera house. The buildings (aka "The Toaster") beside the opera house were not completed until 1998. The film was set in 1976-77.

Other mistake: When Reinaldo first meets Lezaro Lima after winning "First Honorable Mention" for the National Book contest, Lezaro tells Reinaldo he can read any five books he wants. Lezaro names titles of books he'd like Reinaldo to read. The subtitle in English on the U.S. region DVD misspells Robert Louis Stevenson, spelling his middle name "Lewis". (00:32:05)

Other mistake: During one of the recording studio scenes, there's a short segment that shows a bunch of VU (audio level) meters close up. The very first meter in that sequence is not a VU meter. Its from of an old HF (High Frequency) Amateur Radio transceiver; The scale is marked for RF, SWR, and ALC. I'm suspecting that someone involved with the post production editing is a Ham.

Other mistake: During the Baer and Braddock fight, when the camera angle is from far away, you can see that Braddock is not actually connecting with his punches on Baer. Yet Baer still reacts like he's been hit. This also true with Baer hitting Braddock when the camera is showing the fight from far away in the stands.

Other mistake: In the final scene when they are about to charge Fort Wagner, Mathew Broderick yells "forward march!" and takes his first step with his right foot when it should have been his left foot like the rest of the battalion.

Other mistake: During the early part of the movie, when Patton is in Morocco, you can see two kids visibly mugging for the camera as they do cutaways on two distinct occasions.

Other mistake: In the scene where Jimmy and Henry try to strangle Maury with the telephone cord, the handset is off the hook, but the telephone still somehow rings.

Other mistake: In the scene in which two Japanese Zero fighters bomb and strafe a PT base, shots of the attacking planes show them carrying no bombs. During the attack, they still drop around 20 bombs anyway, which is considerably more than the actual carrying capacity of the two planes.

Other mistake: One of the shots of the aftermath of the battle is played in reverse - e.g. the smoke from the fires is going down. (01:41:20)