Other mistake: The closing captions state that Chris McCandless' sister Carine flew "his" brother's ashes home, instead of "her" brother's ashes.

Other mistake: In Wilson's Congressional office, the Texas flag on his left is mounted upside down. The white panel belongs on the top of the flag, not the bottom.

Other mistake: While Jude is watching an expose on himself, the commentator says his real name is Aaron Jakob Heckleman, even though Jude Quinn is the name listed in his high school yearbook shown earlier in the film.

Other mistake: When Henry and Lefroy strip off before going swimming, they enter the water wearing their boots, however their trousers have been removed despite there not having been time for them to remove them and replace the boots.

Other mistake: During the film the narrator states: "He also had a condition that was referred to as "granulated eyelids" and it caused him to blink more than usual as if he found creation slightly more than he could accept." However, this never occurs once in the movie and in fact the opposite happens, Jesse stares into space hardly blinking throughout the entire film.

Other mistake: The effects of a stroke are unilateral, and the movie shows his right eye affected, but the facial droop is shown on the left side. This wouldn't happen. The droop would be on the same side as the eye.