Character mistake: When Chekov is discussing the plan to hide behind Saturn, he says, "...if Mr. Scott can get us to warp 4...". But on the viewscreen, it shows they are already traveling at warp 4.31. (01:34:40)

Character mistake: Before the Megarace, Rez looks back at the camera and says that they'll try to help him out-but you can see Juni's tires in front of Rez's car. In a shot before this one, Rez says Arnold will crush Juni-looking at the camera, which is in front of Rez.

Character mistake: While Khan is "interviewing" Chekhov and Terrell, he stated, "On Earth, two hundred years ago, I was a prince, with power over millions." The official date for this movie is 2285. That would place Khan on earth around 2085 by this statement. However, it is made clear in the episode "Space Seed" that Khan and his followers escaped earth in the year 1996: nearly one hundred years earlier. Quite a way off to be a rounding error. (00:21:45)
Suggested correction: I don't believe the earth year had been established when this movie was made and it was something the franchise applied to itself retroactively later on.

Character mistake: In the bar scene, Gunner asks Barney Ross for a pen to write an equation on the piece of tissue. He said that the equation was Einstein's theory of special relativity, but it's actually Einstein's equation for general relativity.

Character mistake: When the front door of the old F-unit is refusing to open the guys put their shoulder to it. The door they are trying to bash outward actually swings into the area where they are standing. If they really wanted to go out that door they should have unlatched it and pulled.

Character mistake: In the film, five items are stolen: the Magna Carta, the Turin Shroud, the Imperial Sword of Japan, the Pope's ring and the Pink Panther diamond. When Alfred Molina's character is challenged that they had found everything but the Pink Panther, he protests that 3 out of 4 is not bad, that's 75%. In fact, they had found 4 out of 5 or 80%.

Character mistake: In the showdown scene between the Vietnamese officer and Rambo, the Vietnamese officer empties an entire magazine at Rambo from only about 20 metres away but only manages to hit the ground around Rambo's feet. What was he doing, aiming at his feet? He deserved to get blown up to bits for that effort.

Character mistake: When Arthur Weasley takes Harry aside in The Leaky Cauldron to warn him about Sirius Black, he says, "13 years ago, when you stopped.... You-Know-Who...Black lost everything." Harry is 13 yrs. old in Prisoner of Azkaban and was a 1 yr. old when he stopped Voldemort. Hence, Harry stopped Voldemort 12 yrs. ago, and not 13! Harry turns 11 just before school starts in Philosopher's Stone, turns 12 before school in Chamber of Secrets and turns 13 yrs. old before school in Prisoner of Azkaban. Just an aside, the last digit of Harry's age always coincides with Harry's year at Hogwarts. So, he's 13 in his 3rd year at Hogwarts, which is entitled Prisoner of Azkaban. (00:17:50)

Character mistake: In the Iraqi Desert, when the British soldiers speak of the casualties and losses, one of the British soldiers mentions the loss of the Belgian contingent and possible reinforcements, then makes a reference to the "Golan Straits"; there is no such place.
Suggested correction: "Golan Straits" is another word (albeit dated one) for the Goland Heights which is a region of Syria occupied by Israel.
The region in question has no straits, which is the point of the entry. And never would the term "Golan Strait" be used to identify a 1,800 sq km plateau. The actor, or writer, used the wrong term that a soldier in that situation wouldn't use.

Character mistake: Mulder and Scully sneak into the morgue at Bethesda Naval Hospital to view the body of the dead fireman from the bomb blast. Mulder lifts the sheet back on the body to show that the man's tissue is "like jelly." Scully surmises there's been some kind of cellular breakdown, and then says the tissue is "completely edematous." However, Dr. Scully mispronounces "edematous" as ed-a-may-shuss. The correct pronunciation is i-dem-a-tuss. Being a doctor she'd know the difference. (00:37:45)

Character mistake: When Jack arrives in New York he's right next to the Statue of Liberty. However when he reaches the library he comes from the East River and walks west. That is a pretty big detour around the southeastern corner of Manhattan, instead of taking the direct route. (01:47:00 - 01:48:20)
Suggested correction: Easier to walk in an open area and have a short distance walking between buildings rather than walking through the city where the terrain may not be the best even with the snow/ice.

Character mistake: When Asia Argento reveals that she is a Russian agent, she says that she works for the FSB, the Russian CIA. This is wrong, however, the Russian equivalent to the CIA is the SVR, the FSB is more like the FBI.

Character mistake: In a shot that flashes by very briefly, a London newspaper's headline is shown: "Sherlock Holmes Aides Police." "Aides" should be "aids".

Character mistake: In the scene where Quigley engages Marsten's men who are attacking the Aborigines, we see a man hit by a bullet and fall from his horse, then we hear the report of Quigley's rifle. When the man who gets away reports to Marsten, he estimates the range at three-quarters of a mile maybe. Marsten asks him how long after the bullet struck before he heard the report of the rifle. He answers two maybe three seconds. While this scenario would be plausible for a more modern high-powered cartridge like the .30-06, it is not accurate for the .45 2-7/8 Sharps Quigley is using. That cartridge loaded with 110 grains of black powder will propel a 540-grain bullet (best case) at around 1475 feet per second. Since the bullet is supersonic when it leaves the muzzle it will indeed precede the sound of the weapon's discharge for short distance. But not by very much and not for very long. The bullet goes transonic in about 400 yards and the the sound waves catch up to the bullet a little beyond 600 yards. After that, the rifle's report, travelling at a constant speed, gets progressively further AHEAD of the bullet which is gradually slowing. At three-quarters of a mile (1320 yards) the bullet's time of flight is about four seconds, while sound waves travel that same distance in three-and-a-half seconds. The man should have been struck at nearly the same time as, or up to half-second AFTER the report, depending on the actual range.

Character mistake: When Spencer Tracy is talking to his wife and daughter on two separate telephones, he places the phones up against each other so mom and daughter can talk to each other. One phone should be upside down so it would be speaker to transmitter rather than speaker to speaker.

Character mistake: One of the top most taboo things for a super hero to do is reveal any aspect of another hero's identity to someone, especially a villain. But when Flash is trapped by the gray adhesive and the other Justice League members are about to take the villains away to disarm the bombs, Flash tells Green Lantern "Hal, go", calling Green Lantern by his first name right in front of Mirror Master. (00:08:05)

Character mistake: When Dorothy and the others enter the Haunted forest, the sign reads "Witches Castle One Mile." "Witches" is plural. To be grammatically correct, it should have said "Witch's Castle," if one witch, or "Witches' Castle" if more than one.

Character mistake: When Will Riker comes to Troi's office and kisses her, Troi says that she has never kissed him with a beard before, but in the third season episode "Menage a Troi", Troi does in fact kiss a bearded Will Riker, while on leave at Betazed, in the Fifth season "The Outcast", and again in season six's "Man of The People." (00:26:45)

Character mistake: Before they jump off the plane Halloran should at least have checked if Sellinger has his parachute strapped on properly, knowing that the other guy has absolutely no experience. (01:05:55)

Character mistake: In the scene where the photos of Daphne are flashing by, you see her in a photograph which was supposedly taken at the Chelsea Charity Auction. In the caption, "auction" is incorrectly spelled "aution."