Audio problem: After Will Smith's shoes had both been discarded when they found bugs in them, he runs down the stairs, but you can clearly hear shoes running down the stairs when he's supposedly not wearing any.

Audio problem: In the Bastille dungeon just after Phillippe knocked out the guard with the key we hear Athos say 'We feared the mask would destroy you', but his lips do not move in sync with this. It looks more like he originally said 'We thought you were dead'. (01:44:54)

Audio problem: When the Commando Elite rip out through the clear plastic 'window' of their packaging, the sound made is that of paper ripping - a different sound to what the plastic being punctured would make.

Audio problem: At the very beginning where the two young boys cut the eye holes, the sound of cloth ripping is not synchronized with the knife cutting it.

Audio problem: When Ash receives the letter from the Dragonite, we hear Togepi say "Togepi?" but its mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: When the Blues Brothers are beginning their song Turn on Your Love Light for the battle of the bands, a horn is heard as an indicator for each singer to turn around, but none of the 3 horn players are actually playing their instrument.

Audio problem: Before Jackie puts on the Dutch shoes a woman with another pair of Dutch shoes is seen running away. A shot later she is seen walking away behind Jackie and you can't hear her shoes.

Audio problem: When Jim has been pushed out of the boat by Sheriff in the church, his voice is heard echoing "no" at exactly the same time that he is spitting water out visually.

Audio problem: In the scene when the plane slides down the hill into the water you hear the classic Hollywood sound used for jumbo jet engines dying out by hitting water. The problem lies in the fact that that engine would have been off by then, either by impact, or by the planes automated systems. Even if it was somehow still running you don't hear it until it dies.

Audio problem: After the Rangers break through the German lines at Normandy, Captain Miller delivers a message on the hand radio. After he turns his back to the camera and stops talking, he continues to move his mouth. (00:24:30)

Audio problem: Right after Rocky jumps over the fence and kicks the ninja that is holding tum tum he says "give me five". But his lips don't move at all.

Audio problem: In the beginning of the bedroom scene with Elise and her suspect client, the guy yells out "You let him hit me, I mean how can you let them hit me." But watch his lips when they first cut to him - they don't move until after he turns around. (00:40:00)

Audio problem: When Freedom shuttle is being destroyed by the asteroid field, you can hear Harry say, "Sharp, what the hell is that? Is that the Independence?" but you can tell by Bruce Willis' mouth that he isn't saying any of those words.

Audio problem: Just after Quinn has been nailed to the wall at the beginning of the movie, he makes some strange noises and then starts talking in "vampire language." This has obviously been dubbed in post-production.

Audio problem: After Smith yells "Where is my money?", his next line starts with "The Sedition...", but his mouth is saying something else.

Audio problem: Near the beginning, when the group are discussing the plans for the ambush, Sam asks, "Can you get me a simulator?" When Gregor eventually says, "Quite diverting" his lips fail to move as he speaks. (00:13:40)